You didn’t actually think that I have enough cash to REALLY live like this did you?
The truth of the matter is, that whether I’ve had money or have struggled financially, I’ve always made an effort to live in Champagne Living style. When I began this project, both Mr. S. and I lived on a STRICT fixed income, yet as you well know we travel often, have cars that are paid in full, and live in this gorgeous home.
You’re going to hate what I have to say, but I actually live on a
For some the word feels like a prison, and for others (like myself) it means that I can do the things that I LOVE even if money is a bit TIGHT. It means that I know that in the fall, I’ll be able to buy a new car without being bogged down with monthly payments. I’ve been socking money away for two years – a bit each month. That along with maintaining the car that I have (trying to hold on to the best value that I can) for either a down payment or private sale, in order to get the most that I can towards my new “RIDE”. I know exactly what I can afford, and what would be a stretch.
We all have choices, and deciding what’s important to you is the biggest piece of this lifestyle. Having grown up in the automobile business, I know that a Honda will get me to the same place as a Mercedes. If sitting in my car is the important piece, I’d save for another year or two to buy that Mercedes, but it’s not. My priorities lie in travel, enjoying time with friends & family, etc. So I’d rather enjoy a great dinner out with the girls and get there in a Jeep.
I find that if I write things down they become VERY real. I regularly list my goals, what I want, and YES, what I’m willing to give up to achieve them. That includes a budget that’s REALISTIC (overly strict budgets set me up for failure), and a wish list that would make your head turn.
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