Imagine transforming a natural, renewable energy source into your home’s energy provider! As you know, solar power makes this possible, and makes unsustainable fossil fuels a thing of the past. Best yet, after your initial investment is paid off, it can reduce your monthly energy bills to a big round zero!
Before you take the jump into solar power, it is wise to understand a little more about the process, funding your investment, and the importance of working with a trusted solar panels company to ensure your system is correctly and safely installed.
Read on to find out answers to those important questions – and more!
Getting your energy on tap – from the sun!
Although it is not new, the concept of solar energy remains genius. Turning the sun’s rays into home electricity reduces reliance on unsustainable sources of energy. It is also a source of energy that is renewable and will not run out anytime soon.
Another clear benefit of solar is that you reduce your reliance on the grid to draw your home’s electricity from. This means freedom from power outages, unsightly overhead cables, and unwelcome monthly energy bills. For more remote properties this is especially valuable as grid power supply can be intermittent.
In the longer term, adding a solar energy system to your home will increase its value by up to 20 percent when you come to sell. What’s not to love!
The rough with the smooth
Although most things about solar energy are great, there are a few things to consider before you go ahead.
First, there are the financial aspects to weigh up. Make sure you can fund or finance the start-up investment. Most trusted solar companies in California can guide homeowners through the various incentives available to get started with your investment. In total, the solar equipment will cost at least a few thousand dollars to buy or lease, so you may need to be creative with your financing.
Also, reputable solar companies will be able to work with you to show you how long it may take to realize a return on your investment. This can be calculated based on your current electrical consumption, sunlight hours, and how many panels your home can sensibly hold.
The weather is also a consideration. In areas of fewer sunlight hours, solar systems can be boosted by more efficient conversion equipment – but again this adds an additional cost that you need to plan for.
What about your home?
Financials are not the only aspect that needs to be planned. The best solar company choices can work with you to plan your project to minimize the visual and practical impact on your home.
Reputable solar companies will be able to plan your panel’s installation in the most efficient way. Storage space also needs to be factored in for batteries and other components of the system. Batteries can be large, but their size can vary depending on how many panels you can install on your roof, and how many sunlight hours you can expect per year.