He grabbed the set of yurbuds.
The minute I opened the box, I saw Mr. S’ grubby little hand swipe it right out of the packing box. He has “issues” with headphones and earbuds. Some people can’t get enough pair of shoes (cough, cough), others have a drawer full of devices to listen through. Mr. S is in the second group. Getting him to say anything about them is almost impossible. It seems that once they’re in his ears, he can’t hear or acknowledge anyone.
Luckily there were 2 pair in the box…
…and he left the Leap Wireless for women behind. The fact that they’re for women rarely stops him (he has rose gold “cans” with white leather that he stole from me years ago and has no problem wearing…even in public). Luckily, it was the Leap Wireless yurbuds that I was after.
Who asked for his opinion anyway?

Just moments before they were snatched from me.
I didn’t. I was more than willing to put mine in and blast my favorite Pandora station…but NOOOOO….the man who’s usually SILENT decides to speak.
Mr. S: How much do these things Cost?
Me: I have no clue, you grabbed them so fast I never even saw the box. What’s the name?
Mr. S: They’re the Inspire® 200 yurbuds
Me: Let me look them up…..$29.99
Mr. S: No way
Mr. S: Can’t be, there must be a 1 in front of the 2.
Me: NOPE, they’re $29.99
Mr. S: These are better than those $300 B*SE ones you bought me for my birthday.
Me: Can’t be. I spent a fortune on those
Mr. S: Well, you wasted your money, ’cause these are better.
Mr. S turns up the volume and leaves. Guess I’d better try my Leap Wireless ones and see if he’s right.

Good thing you can’t hear me singing through the computer
He is
Even better, mine are WIRELESS. Better use them when he’s not around, or he’ll grab them too (doesn’t matter if they are a pretty teal color).
Check it out
They are nice and secure without HURTING. I have small ear canals and NEVER find earbuds that don’t put a lot of pressure on my ears. The best part is there was an extra set of small enhancers in the package. Oh, and they don’t fall out, because they have this twist and lock technology (sort of like half-screwing them into your ears)….sounds weird, but it works. That makes them stay in, even with the heaviest of workouts. I’ll take their word for it, the most workout that I get is singing and dancing with them in.

I’ve got dance fever!
- TwistLock® Technology – Like I said, if you work out you’ll love the fact that you twist them in and they stay put. If you’re like me, you’ll be happy that they don’t fall out when you pick up that piece of candy you dropped before the dog gets it.
- FlexSoft® – Guaranteed never to hurt!! If you’ve got baby ear canals like I do, you won’t get that awful pressure. Why? Because yurbuds are made with medical-grade, flexible silicone, they are ultra soft and comfortable for hours on end.
- Sweat Proof – Like when it’s 90 degrees out at the beach, or for those who might actually run in the rain.
- Ambient Aware – No more saying WHAT???? You can actually hear those around you (Wait, Mr. S could HEAR ME? What the???)
- Woven Cords – That means you won’t be spending hours trying to untangle them, like that necklace that’s been in your jewelry box for the last 5 years that you just don’t feel like tackling.
- 3-Button Command with Music, Volume and Voice Activation – With a single click of a button, you’re can control phone calls, music tracks and volume without breaking from your work-out. I’ve been using them to Skype with the girls in the morning!
- Sport Bluetooth – Just hit BLUETOOTH on your phone and sync it EASILY
- Smart Battery – You should be able to get a week worth of workouts with these before recharching. Track the battery life with on-screen and audible indicators.
- Price – $99.99
- Available at: JBL.com and other retailers nationwide
NOTE: On my trip to the Canadian Rockies last week, I snuck into Mr. S’ earbud drawer (yes, he has an entire drawer of them) and stole the Inspire 200 Yurbuds for my flight so I could watch the movie on the plane. I figured I’d be far enough away for him to do anything….. SUWEET!
I received product to facilitate this post. All opinions are strictly my own.
Whitney Ramirez says
I use these headphones for running and they are the best! They don’t fall out and don’t hurt, like other headphones.
Zipporah Sandler says
That’s the thing Whitney. ALL of my other ones hurt, these don’t FINALLY!!!!!
Eloise says
No creo que sea un problema de potencia, ¿eh?La moto se ha averiado. Es la segunda averÃa importante en lo que va de viaje, por lo que me está defraudando bastante su fiabilidad, que fue de lo más importante a la hora de elegir este modelo. Ya ver0eos̷m;Tu voto: 0 0