Disclosure: My sister-in-law is coming to live with me. She expects nothing but the best. I received this mattress to review from Lull.com and it’s going into her room. All opinions are strictly my own.

That looks like an awfully small box for a mattress
You don’t have to be a millionaire to sleep like one
I learned this from one of my mentors a long time ago. He taught me that investing in a great mattress can make the difference between success and failure on any given day. Being well rested translates into being able to think more clearly and act quickly. In business you have to be sharp and I’ve always remembered that piece of advice. Today I am passing down this valuable information to you.
With so many mattresses on the market how do you know which is the best?
- I’ve plopped down and tried mattresses in stores
- I’ve slept in hundreds of hotel beds
- I’ve had
threefour beds delivered that I’d ordered online - I”ve slept on our master and moved to the guestroom
- I’ve cuddled on couches
- I’ve read, I’ve asked, I’ve researched
I don’t believe that you should save money to get a “deal” on a mattress. As I said above, this is one of your most important investments. But, you do need the right fit. One that supports your sleep style and comfort requirements – and if you share a bed with a partner, you need to support their sleep style as well. I take money out of the equation.
I’ve “tested” mattresses only to find that after a month of sleeping on it, that they are not a good fit. It takes a while for your body and the mattress to get to that zen moment of a great night’s sleep.

I loved the pictures on the Lull Mattress box.
The mattress in a box phenomenon
I hate shopping for mattresses in-store. I always feel pressured by the salesperson and wonder if they’re just trying to get me to buy a particular mattress because they get a bigger commission on it. Bouncing from bed to bed in a showroom is like picking out wall paper to me….after the 3rd one, they start to all feel the same.
Why did the lull mattress catch my eye in a sea of boxed mattresses?
- I read the reviews. At least I started to. There are over 3,000 reviews and a 95% satisfaction rate. That seemed pretty high considering the 3 bear factors (some like it hard, some like it soft, and then there’s just right).
- I don’t have to deal with a sales person, yet if I have a question there is someone to answer it 7 days a week.
- It works with any foundation. I am placing the Lull Mattress on an antique bed with a perfectly good box spring that I have. It will fit on a platform, slats or an adjustable bed (good to know because our “other” bed has an adjustable base & massage unit) as well.
- The top layer is gel infused. If you’ve slept on memory foam before….or if you are MENOPAUSAL, live in the South where it’s HOT and have slept on memory foam you’ll understand exactly why THIS is important. The gel provides the airflow that traditional memory foam mattresses don’t.
- They claim that it’s soft AND firm at the same time. How can that be? I had to find out.
- No sagging. Remember when I said that I’ve been through a lot of mattresses in a relatively short period of time? The reason – SAGGING.
- 10 year warranty – after 3 mattresses in 5 years, I need to know that it will hold up.
- They use no harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, ozone depleters, heavy metals and certain flame retardants that may cause cancer and genetic defects.
- There is a French Bulldog on their site – sorry, but I’m a sucker for a cute dog in an ad.
For me there is only ONE REAL WAY TO KNOW if the mattress is a great fit
…and that is to sleep on it.
Lull’s 100 night risk free trial means that if I find that after a couple of months that it isn’t giving me that great night sleep, that I can return it.
I accepted the review and ordered one for the guest room
The guest room is my hideaway. It’s where I sleep most nights when Mr. S snores. It’s where I keep my clothes and my books. It is my response to a mancave. AND it’s where my sister-in-law is staying while she finds a house (she’s moving from RI to FL). She is just as picky as I am.
The unboxing
I wanted to see if I could do it myself. I’m just about 5 feet tall, and 63 years old. I have a lot of friends who are single, widowed, and either snowbirds with two homes. or have to take care of things themselves. I needed to know if I could recommend that they do it themselves.
The test

I’m up for the sleep challenge
- Night One
I slipped into bed and immediately felt cradled by the softness of the gel layer. I thought…this is going to be great. Unfortunately, I tossed and turned all night. Did I get a good night’s sleep that night? NO! Clem the mini-bull-terrier did.
- Night Two
I was still a little fitful. It took me a bit longer to fall asleep and I awoke a few times…but, I’m a terrible sleeper anyway.
- Night Three
My mind kept thinking over and over again…”I hope I sleep.” I kept myself up for about 2 hours worrying that I wouldn’t sleep until. I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning feeling better than I had on my old mattress. Clem the dog slept til NOON…I wish I were a dog.
- Night Four
Falling asleep came much easier. I did wake a few times, but fell back to sleep easily. I woke up later than I normally do. I noticed that I didn’t wake up as stiff as I usually do (I have back issues).
- Night Five
This was my zen night on the Lull Mattress. I didn’t feel the dog moving around at all. I fell asleep quickly and slept through til morning. I felt completely refreshed. For me this is very unusual.
- Night Six & beyond
I feel like Goldilocks finding her “just right” mattress. I’ve always needed an adjustment period as I am a terrible sleeper. I hate to think that I have to give it up in another week, but it is temporary.

It cradles and supports at the same time.
My sister-in-law arrives
On her very first night here she RAVED about how comfortable the mattress was. She had complained to Mr. S behind my back after the last time she visited that the mattress (a fairly new one) was too hard and uncomfortable. I was amazed that the mattress that I fell in love with, was also the one that SHE did. She’s talking about buying a Lull mattress when she finds a house to buy (she’s already found two that she likes).
- I sleep like a millionaire on the Lull Mattress, and so can you. Simple go to lull.com and give it a try…or give it 100 tries.
- 4th of July SALE – $50 off!!!!
- I’ll keep you updated periodically (once I get my room back).
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