As you know I was an Agent Carter virgin, but I popped my cherry when I got to visit the set AND spend some time with the costumers of my new fave ABC show. I also got some great fashion inspiration while there.
I used to think that red hats were for old ladies in that “society” or for the guy who comes down the chimney in December.

Photo courtesy of: Act Classy
But what I learned was that donning a red hat is empowering

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
So, with the help of Agent Carter’s costumer Gigi Melton, a woman with a wonderful sense of retro design and a quirky fashion sense that is appealing on so many levels, I took a deep breath and tried. Not being a hat person, she let me know that ANYONE can wear a red hat, and that comes from the woman who designed the look herself.
I took the famous Aviatrix Stetson that Peggy wears (there are actually 2 versions of this hat), and I tossed it on.
Fun Fact: You can purchase an Aviatrix directly from Stetson and look like Peggy as well – available at $80
I realized that the REAL stars of this show for me is that fashion, check out the gorgeous silk kimono style robe on the right and the pajamas next to it that look inspired by the fabrics used in Japanese Haori.

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
Fun Fact: I collect antique Haori, Kimono & Uchikake…hence the drooling in the costume shop

One from my collection
I was so taken in with the vintage-styled costumes that I knew I would rush home and watch the new season of Agent Carter.

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
Of course characters in costumes like this, need a backdrop…a set that encompasses Florida back in the day. With dark wood trim

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
and those metal desks (can you hear the drawers close?)

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
and women finally leaving home to join the workforce (think Rosie the Riveter)

Photo courtesy of: Marvel

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
and yes the desk has a

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
certain familiarity.
So, getting behind the desk felt right at home

Photo courtesy of: Marvel
The set was as welcoming as everyone we met…from the cast to the costume department.
Whether you’re a Marvel fan, a fashionista, a women’s activist or a vintage model (like me)
Agent Carter on ABC
Disclosure: I visited the LA with Disney/Marvel to facilitate this post. All opinions are strictly my own.
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