This post has been sponsored by Menopause 731. All opinions are strictly my own.
Every year I set out my goals for the next year about a week or so in advance of the first of the year. They always include business, personal and health/wellness goals. Last year I knew that I had had enough of the added weight and found a program that worked for me in 2018 and lost those 20 lbs. I thought that today I’d share my healthy goals once again, along with what I’ve done to get a head-start.
Managing the wellness puzzle
I realize that while each of us has different goals and managing your wellness shouldn’t have to be that difficult. I am a list maker, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t first take a look at what it is that’s really bothering me. Goals like “get rich” or “lose weight” or even “feel better” aren’t specific enough.
Take stock of what it is that’s bothering you.
- Is it those 10-20-30 lbs. you’ve put on?
- Do you feel tired and have trouble focusing?
- Do you feel like you never get a good night’s sleep?
- Have you been sitting in front of the TV instead of getting out for that walk each day?

Feeling better shouldn’t be a puzzle
Those are the issues that were plaguing me and rather than wait until January, I started back in November.
The ONE thing that I had noticed about all of my goals was that they were inter-related. They all had to do with the fact that I was aging and had hit that part of my life when menopause was slowing me down and rather than find a solution, I had just given up and spent my days not feeling my best. I decided to do something about it but first I needed a plan.
The plan
- Find something that would kickstart my feeling like my old self – to combat the effects of menopause.
- Work with a weight loss/fitness coach to lose 20 lbs.
- Set a sleep schedule – In addition to a product to help, I knew that a sleep schedule would help
- Use my dog/husband/neighbor as an excuse to get out and get fresh air & exercise daily
A plan on a piece of paper is where most of us stop. It looks good, but until you actually start and CREATE A HABIT, they’re just words. Setting yourself up for success is the KEY and having a great support system helps to keep me on track.
- I began taking Menopause 731 – because it helps with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings sleep disturbances and more, I knew that this supplement was the one for me. Because it’s made from Siberian rhubarb extract, I felt like it was a much safer alternative to deal with my issues.
- I found my coach Valerie. She worked with me online DAILY going over everything I ate and making adjustments. I learned how to eat healthy on a plan that is sustainable for life.
- I started going to bed earlier. To the chagrin of my friend Rachel, who loved calling me after midnight, I no longer answered the phone, watched TV, etc. after 10 pm. I found myself slipping into a deep sleep within an hour and I stayed asleep until 7 am each morning. The combination of going to sleep at the same time each night, plus the Menopause 731 that I took at bedtime helped me to catch those much-needed Zzzz’s my body had been missing.
- Honestly, for me exercise has been the most difficult piece of the puzzle. I have a disability that makes exercising a bit more difficult than most. The truth is, that I use that excuse more than I should. So, rather than say “I can’t because…” I now get out and get some fresh air for a few minutes of walking each day, and because my disability has to do with being able to walk, I opted for doing upper body weight work.
The Results
For me they have been spectacular and going forward into 2019 the plan is to keep up the good work. I feel better than I have in many years and I’m excited about continuing feeling my best for the rest of my life.
Please join me and start YOUR feeling better as well.
- Join me in my quest to conquer our menopause discomforts and we can conquer this together. Here’s a coupon to get you started with Menopause 731 for 25% off and free shipping:
- Don’t forget to follow along on Facebook and Instagram as well, where I’ll share photos and MORE!
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