Where’s my mojo? That seems to be a war cry of mine at least once a month. Luckily, I usually find it within a day and move forward. I’m truly one of the lucky ones who have found something that they LOVE to do, and being able to connect with you on Champagne Living is an incredible joy.
I have friends on the other hand, who are not quite so lucky. One of my friends who lives back in RI is still struggling at the age of 59, trying to figure out what she wants to do with this stage of her life. She’s retired with less money than she needs to live on and is worried that no one will hire her so close to 60. I’ve suggested that she come down to Florida, where the cost of living is much less and there seems to be more opportunity, especially since there are a lot more retirees here, so there’s not as much of an age stigma when looking for work.
Still, she doesn’t even know WHAT it is that she wants to do. When you get to that point and you need to get UN-STUCK, a life coach may be the answer.
While life coaches are a relatively new field, according to CNNit is growing by leaps and bounds. The thought of redesigning ones life is so appealing. Where once we simply went to a career counselor, now we have the opportunity to find a path that is the perfect fit, even in our 60’s.
I’m perfectly happy going to events, living the Champagne life and spending time on my computer letting you in on great ways to do the same, but if I ever get to that point where I’m not quite sure WHAT I want to do next, I know exactly where to go to find out.
Photo courtesy of photostock.
melissa says
Sometimes I think a life coach would be amazing!
Louise says
I need one because I’m at a stopping point
HilLesha says
Sounds great!
Dawne Strehl, D Magazine says
I don’t think I’ve ever heard “life coach” before. That’s interesting.
What’s also interesting to me is that some are taking the initiative to create their own occupations. Innovative and completely wonderful of them, don’t you think?
Great post! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Virginia from That Bald Chick says
When I need to get UN-stuck, I pray. I’ve found that to be a great life coach.
Maureen @ Wisconsin Mommy says
I’ve been using a life coach for the last few months. While she doesn’t have any magic answers for me, it’s nice to bounce things off of an impartial listener.
Karen says
I think that is what I need!
Donna says
I’ve needed to be “un-stuck” a few times in my life… prayer, family and friends have gotten me through. But, I would definitely give a life coach a thought.
anjie henley says
there used to be a television show where a group of women would go to a house to live for weeks for life coaching and addressing the “issues” women have (whatever issue they were working on at the time) live together and have intensive life coaching, it was a fabulous show, and even tho I don’t remember the name of it at the moment , I was sorry it went off the air…………. I learned a lot from it