While some of us are happy to stay exactly where we are, most of us will get the itch to travel at some point in our lives. And for many of us, that is an itch that never goes away. The more we travel, the more we want to see the world.
But travelling isn’t something you can just get up and do. Money is a big factor, and since it still isn’t growing on trees, you need to create a budget. And to help you do this, we have created a guide on how to create a travel budget.
First, Determine the Maximum You Can Spend
And stick to this. Whatever you plan has to fit within this budget. By starting with a limit, you can really challenge yourself to find options that work for you.
And Don’t Forget Your Responsibilities Back Home
This may sound obvious, but so many people forget about home while dreaming about life abroad. Consider the usual bills plus paying for a house sitter or pet sitter if needed.
Ask Locals for Price Ranges
If you are on a budget, you don’t want advice from fellow tourists. Tourists tend to always go to the same places, which tend to raise their prices because they know that tourists will be happy to pay them. And since you no doubt want the local experience, this will help you save money and get a more authentic experience.
In a similar vein, when you book hotels or hostels, try to do so on webpages in the local language. You will often find that the page in English has higher prices.
Use those Prices to Make a Daily Budget
Once you know how much an average meal will most, how much to pay for transportation, and so on, you can set up a daily budget. Be sure to leave some wiggle room in case something strikes your fancy that is a little beyond the price ranges you were given by the locals.
Look for Airfare Deals
Remember how we said to use the local language for booking hotels and hostels? The same applies to airfare. While you can go the usual routes to find good deals, try to see what is out there in the native language as well. And check out bargain airlines to see if you can fly into one city and then switch airlines to get a better deal.
Have an Emergency Fund
While you obviously want your trip to go well, things can go wrong. Be sure to have an emergency fund ready to go so you don’t get caught in a bad place. And be sure to take out a traveler’s insurance policy before you go.
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