An actor is just a man….until he learns his lines and becomes the character
A superhero is just a man…until he puts on the costume…
…AND WHAT A COSTUME ANT MAN HAS, or should I say, what an ARRAY of costumes he has. I had the opportunity to sit down with costumers Sammy Sheldon and Ivo Coveney at the costume shop on the set of Ant Man.
I got the scoop on what turns a man into a superhero.
Fun Fact #1: Normal stunt belts usually 1 piece, but Ant-Man’s HERO belt is made up of over FIFTY pieces
Fun Fact #2: While you THINK there’s only one suit, there are actually
- 13 suits
- 17 helmets
- 8 pair of gloves
- 17 belts
Fun Fact #3: The first helmet pieces were created on a 3D printer
Fun Fact #4: The shoulder and chest area that are RED are designed to be reminiscent of the eyes of an INSECT
Fun Fact #5: Getting in & out of the costume takes a TEAM.
Fun Fact #6: As you can see…you have to be screwed into the helmet
Fun Fact #7: Apparently there’s a shower scene in the movie. I’ll just leave you thinking about that one…..
Ant Man opens in theaters on July 17th

Even in the Ant Man helmet I have a bottle of bubbly.
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