This post is dedicated to the women who are my best friends, confidants, and who are there for me in good times and bad, silly or serious and whom I love as my family. In alphabetical order – Ava, Rachel,Susie – you are my rocks.

Ava’s favorite selfie spot – the bathroom. It always cracks me up.
“My husband is my best friend!”
We have all heard someone say this, and while it is vital to be close to your husband—assuming you have one—having a best friend is also vital. The two fulfil different roles, and just because you have grown up and committed doesn’t mean girlfriends can be left behind.
Not convinced?
Have you ever had a conversation with your husband where you pour it all out and his response is either completely lackluster or a bunch of suggestions to fix your problem? Yep, most of us have been there. But have the same conversation with your best friend and you get the results you need. Empathy. Commiseration. Good-old bitching.
Of course, these are not the only reasons every woman needs a best friend. Check out some more reasons below.
She is Your Shopping Buddy
Do you look fat in that dress? Your best friend will tell you. She will also encourage you to take risks you otherwise wouldn’t, and that helps to keep you young and fun. Sure, you might spend more than you should, but there is nothing wrong with a little retail therapy every now and then.

From the moment the light comes thru the window til I go to sleep – Rachel is there for me.
She Keeps You Normal
Have you ever wondered if your reaction to something is rational or insane? Just ask your best friend. She will give you the guidance you need to not overact.
She Keeps Your Other Relationships Healthy
You can’t unload everything on one person and expect the relationship to stay strong under the heavy load. Sometimes you need to confide in someone who isn’t involved, and that is your best friend.

Susie & I go back to birth – #cousinfriends
She Lets You Brag on Yourself
If you brag to coworkers, neighbors, and even family, suddenly you are too big for your britches. But brag to your best friend and she will build you up and celebrate whatever it is that has you feeling good about being you.
She Makes You Happier
And this is really what it all comes down to. Humans are social, and our best friends feed a need, and we feed theirs. They keep us happy, which keeps us healthy. They make us whole.
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