We all look forward to the weekend. In fact, some of us start looking forward to it on Sunday night as our head hits the pillow. But the sad truth is that our weekends often do not live up to our expectations.
We head into Friday night thinking about all the things we need to get done and want to get done. We start planning it out. And then, before we know it, time has gotten away from us. Hours pass, then a whole day, and we are left looking at to-do lists with too many items and not enough check marks.
And you know what? It is depressing.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Take the steps below to make the most out of your weekend.
Do More During the Week
What tends to make the weekend overwhelming is that we save our errands until then. As a result, we spend hours in the car, on the road, and in stores taking care of the necessities. It isn’t relaxing at all.
But what if you broke up those errands and did one or two each day instead? Rather than taking hours, they would take minutes, and rather than being stressed on the weekend, you could actually relax.
For many of us, relaxing means spending time on social media and streaming movies and TV shows. But there are a few problems with using your weekend to do this. First of all, when we are on devices, we are more likely to give into things like answering work emails, stressing ourselves when we should be relaxing. Second, when we are vegging out, we aren’t feeding the body. When we spend the weekend doing nothing, we go into Monday feeling depleted, not renewed.
Make a Bucket List
Now this is what your weekends are really for—doing the things you always wanted to do. Yes, we know that 48 hours isn’t enough time to do some of the bigger items on your list, but think about all the smaller and local things you can do. Try a new type of food, take a crafting class, explore a new part of your city, pick up a hobby, go see a musical—whatever it is that interests you.
Savor It
We hear it a lot, but so many of us do not live in the moment. We are too busy reading, texting, or planning. Well, no more of that. Your weekends are for living. Enjoy it, savor it, take it all in. You deserve it.
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