I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for Vanity Fair Lingerie. I received product samples to facilitate my review and compensation to thank me for my participation.
6PM each night I’m at home.
I would walk into the bedroom and take my bra off, come out with a smile on and make dinner.
That was my routine for as long as I’d worn a bra. But, something happened to change my routine on July 30, 2015. From that day forward, I began taking my bra off HOURS later.
JULY 29, 2015

I was comforted to see leopard!
I arrive in New York on July 29th to attend the Vanity Fair Summit for new ambassadors. I was chosen to wear and write about the lingerie that I remember shopping for with my mother. Before I leave, I have visions of leopard nightgowns, slippers with fluffs of marabou, and full figured bras.
After meeting the women of Vanity Fair, my fellow ambassadors, and an incredible night of dining at Chef Jean-Georges’ ABC Kitchen, we retired to the HIP Refinery Hotel to get a good night sleep. July 30 was going to be a BUSY DAY!
JULY 30, 2015
As promised July 30th was a whirlwind day of Bra Talk, learning about Vanity Fair’s association with Dress for Success and a visit to Macy’s for fittings before shopping for our new Vanity Fair bras. This was the FIRST time in my 61 years that I have EVER been fitted for a bra, and YES I WAS WEARING THE WRONG SIZE. One cup size larger and a better supporting undergarment, and I was GOOD TO GO. That was the first time that I put on one of Vanity Fair’s Beauty Back bras (my favorite style).
My clothes fit better, I looked thinner, and OMG…I DIDN’T FEEL LIKE TAKING MY BRA OFF AT 6PM! After years and years of pulling and tugging, and ripping it off the MOMENT I got home, I finally had a bra that I could live in.
One bra has turned into, two, then three, four, five and six. ALL of my old bras have been tossed out. I am a Vanity Fair lingerie convert.
Along this journey, not only did I have a comfort and fashion changing experience, but I got to know the soul of the company. A company who believes in giving back to women in need, a women who provides bras to women entering the workforce so that they can look their best (in association with Dress for a Success) and a company who gives back to their customers.
I’ve seen initiatives like Buy One Get One Give One, which gave a free bra to the purchaser AND to Dress for Success for each bra sold during the program. I’ve heard the stories of women who’s lives have been changed with something as basic as a new bra and outfit to go on an interview. I’ve seen a company who champions “Women Who Do.” I’ve been inspired by the people in the company and their mission. And I’ve been lucky enough to be able to share what I’ve learned.
December 18, 2015 – 7:36PM
I am wearing my Full Figure Beauty Back bra…the FIRST one that I bought on July 30, 2015. Yes, it is after 6PM.
Learn more more about Vanity Fair Lingerie & Dress for Success
- Visit: Dress for Success
- Twitter: @dressforsuccess
- Facebook: DressforSuccess
- Visit: Vanity Fair Women Who Do
- VF Twitter: @ShopVanityFair
- VF Facebook: VanityFairLingerie
- VF Instagram: @ShopVanityFair
- Follow the Hashtag: #WomenWhoDo
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