I don’t give a flying….about what she’s got
Jealousy… it can grab ahold of even the most unsuspecting. I know that I’ve had my bouts with this demon, and I’m usually pretty good at talking myself out of feelings like “I wish I had”, or “why can’t I?” Once it’s got its claws into you, it can be difficult to let go. No matter how grateful we might be for the good things in our lives, there is always something or someone that has the things that we wished we had. Luckily, there are some easy ways to push jealousy away and get back on the grateful track (or at the very least, turn it into something positive).
Value what you have
Living in a world where there are many with great wealth and unlimited experiences, it is easy to become envious of those who seem to have it all. Learn to value yourself… whether it be the way you look, how much money you have or, or who you’re dating/married to. Self examination can sometimes be difficult and while you may not think you are beautiful, remember that your friends and family do (and you love them…so trust their judgement). You might not have a lot of money, but you are likely financially better off than the majority of those who live in dire conditions around the globe.
Try to understand others
Everyone has a trial to face. Maybe you want a loving relationship and haven’t had any luck, but all you see are those who have found the love of their life, but try to remember that they are sure to be facing other troubles. They may be dealing with infertility, or have recently lost a job and are facing an eviction. Just because someone’s life looks picture perfect, never take for granted that they too are dealing with their own losses.
Change What You Can
If you feel jealous about something that you can change, redirect that jealousy in a positive way. Do you want a perfectly toned body like your best friend? Then get out and begin an exercise program, and start that healthy diet that you’ve been talking about for the last 4 years (um, note to self…start the diet). Do you wish you could afford a yearly tropical vacation like your entire extended family? Take on a second job, begin a home business on the side or cut back on eating out and save the money instead. You can start a blog, like I did and focus on travel!!
Accept What You Can’t Change
There are certain things that cannot be changed. Life can feel unfair at times, and if you are dealing with a situation you can’t change, like a family member who has cut you out of their life, then do what you can to deal with the situation and immediately focus on something else. By focusing on the things that are going right in your life, and how much you have to give the world you can change your perpective.
Change Your Focus
Find you are spending too much time envying the lives of those around you?j Well, maybe it’s time to take a step back. Social media can be an issue if what you view seems to be the exciting lives of those around you, which can feel like salt on an open wound when our own life feels like it is lacking in some way.
Keep in mind that when someone shows off the highlights of their life, they are generally putting out only the best. If you have too much trouble remembering that, then consider suspending your social media accounts for a time to regain your focus. Or perhaps you need to stop talking for hours with that friend of yours who insists on continuously bragging. Consider refocusing on something worthwhile like volunteering, which has a way of bringing perspective to life.
Jealousy gets every one of us at some time or another. You don’t have to let it take control, however. Use these tips to lift you out of the jealousy trap and into a life full of fulfillment.
Make 2018 a great one…and focus on The Year of Living YOU and forget about living like anyone else. That’s my goal this year, and I’ll be sharing my tips (like this one) that will help make THIS year your BEST EVER!