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Protecting THIS just got easier
It’s been just two years since we moved into our home and I realized the other day that we didn’t have a working security service to protect our home. When we lived in “the mansion” we had one that was paid for by our HOA, but now that we aren’t in a community that offers that, I needed to know that our family has both peace of mind and connectivity.

A thief could take everything I have out of these sliders
How to choose a company to protect your home
As I walked around the neighborhood, I saw a number of security signs neatly tucked into the landscaping and noticed a high percentage of them listing ADT as their service. I stopped and asked a few of them why they chose this particular company and each of my neighbors had high praise about their resonsiveness and reliability. I really didn’t want to rewire my entire house, so when I saw the ADT Home Security Starter Kit, from Samsung SmartThings & ADT (available at Best Buy) was a DIY setup, I figured I’d give it a try.

Yes, I put one at the front door as well
I am NOT a DIY type of gal
I was prepared to be overwhelmed. If it’s not plug and play, or the instructions are complicated…I’m OUT. But as soon as I opened the ADT Home Security Starter Kit box, and read the instructions I knew that I could easily do this myself, with no help from Mr. S. Mind you I got a little creative in the process and I had to stop and think WHICH entries I wanted to arm, as there are only two door/window alarms included in the ADT Home Security Starter Kit.
My tips for installation
- Take a good look around your home and decide which doors/windows you think would be the most likely targets for a break-in. I have large sliders and it would be easy for someone to remove even my 65″ televsion easily without being seen, so I knew that this would be my #1 location to arm.
- The kit comes with a motion sensor that sould be installed 6.5′ – 7.5′ high. I have a ledge over my hall closet that looks over the living room, dining room AND kitchen. Rather than screw it into a corner, I simply got up on a ladder and set the sensor there. The plan is to also decorate the ledge so it’s not as visible to those entering the house. Look for areas that have the best/largest view.
- The kit comes with an ADT Security hub that looks like a tablet screen. I knew that I wanted it to be away from the entries, but in an area that I’d go to FIRST when leaving or entering the house, so I choose my breakfast bar (knowing the Mr. S always comes in and tosses his keys there). Find a spot in your house that you go to when you enter and leave for your hub. It’ll make it easier to remember to arm and disarm it when you leave and come home.
- Don’t forget to download the Samsung SmartThings mobile app on your phone. I’ve been using THIS to arm my security system when I forget to do it at the house. Because it’s a new unit, I’ve forgotten a few times and was happy to have the ability to arm/disarm it right from my mobile phone.
- The devices are all wireless which is why it was so easy for me to install (no hooking things up with wires). You do have to register the unit. I have already had one call from ADT because my internet keeps going down (I have a technician coming to fix all of that on Sunday, and I knew about the issue before I installed this system) and I hadn’t tested the unit yet. I love the fact that ADT is on top of things.

I got the go ahead online.
- You can purchase additional door/window detectors. Again, I suggest assessing which entries would be the most likely and pick up some extras for those.
- I’ll be telling you more about the fire and carbon monoxide detection when I install them in a few weeks, but you should know that ADT and Samsung offer items that will expand your system.
- The SmartThings app also interacts with any other bluetooth devices that you may have like doorbells, appliances (it works with my washer/dryer) and even with my Amazon Alexa unit.
- It took me over a week to realize that I could adjust the volume for the chimes on the door/window detectors. I’m not a quick learner, but thought you should know since the volume it’s set at is LOUD (and awakens either Mr. S or I when Clem needs to go for a walk in the middle of the night).
- Make sure you know where the sensors go. I made the mistake of removing them and there was no extra sticky tape. Luckily I had some industrial strength velcro in the house to use. Had I not RUSHED to try it all, I would have given the placement more thought.
I hope that I never have to get the call
But, at least NOW I know that we are protected, and since Clem isn’t a viscious dog, I can leave and know that ADT will be monitoring everything for me.
- The ADT Home Security Starter Kit, from Samsung SmartThings & ADT is available at Best Buy
- The starter kit is priced at $549.99
- Monitoring by ADT is separate and costs $34.99 per month