This post has been sponsored by Seed Probiotics and has affiliate links included. I do get a commission when you purchase through these links. All opinions are strictly my own.

When I fall, I fall hard – chocolate croissants
I fell off the wagon
AGAIN! When I fall off, I simply CRASH. Soda, junk food, Netflix, work avoidance, etc. I stopped eating right, exercising, and taking supplements. Once again, I’m dealing with lack of sleep, bloating, and feeling like garbage. It’s true what they say when you eat right and take care of yourself, you feel so much better (and look better too). So, as you can imagine, I’m sluggish, tired, and generally miserable. The worst part is – I KNOW BETTER. Whether it’s been the being cooped up in the house, depression from all of the negativity surrounding us all, or just sheer laziness, I gave in to it.
If knowing is only half the battle…
Then what is the other half? Is it starting? Is it completing? Is it making a plan? No, it’s taking the first step and doing it. No matter how small you step or how large you leap, it’s that first one, then the second and third, and the continual motion of going forward that actually takes that knowledge and puts it into play. So, here I am starting from scratch once again, only this time with MORE knowledge (half of my battle) than I did before.
My first steps
- Purge my freezer/cupboard of sugar – Sugar, it keeps me up at night, makes my skin flare up, reduces my focus, and makes me feel AWFUL. Along with caffeine, it is my drug of choice. It’s like smoking for me, I can’t just reduce the amount that I eat, I have to cut it out entirely, but I crave it.
- Start taking Seed Daily Synbiotic again – I never should have stopped taking them. For me, they are the difference between being feeling blah and bloated and feeling myself. Being “regular” is essential to my feeling good. Not only will my gut begin to feel better, but my skin, heart, and immune systems will as well.
- Go for a walk or a bike ride daily – I live in Florida, I can get outside pretty much every day of the week, but I’ve been sitting in the house LOOKING at my swimming pool.
The easiest things for me to start with are to get back up and running with my supplements. The doctor had prescribed Vitamin D3 (so many of us are depleted, especially as we age) and although I still eat plenty of yogurt, I know that I am not getting enough probiotics in my system (as I’m bloated, tired and my skin has an unhealthy tinge to it).

I keep the travel tube with my Seed on my bedstand (it takes up less room than the jar)
Seed is my probiotic of choice
Ever since trying it last year, and seeing what a difference taking two of Seed probiotics + prebiotics pills per day did to add the GOOD bacteria that not only supports my gut health but also my skin, heart, and immune systems (to name a few) did for my health (and my skin), I was hooked. I’d tried other probiotics, but none really made as big a difference in my life as Seed did. It really taught me about the advantages of using QUALITY supplements and what a difference being consistent with taking them EVERY day can make.
Did you know that there is a community of 38,000,000,000,000 (that’s 38 trillion) microorganisms, mostly bacteria, living in and on your body? All together they weigh as much as your BRAIN! We need that bacteria to help keep us regular, to defend us against nasties like E Coli, to keep those yeast infections AWAY (women know EXACTLY what I’m talking about), and keep our gut, metabolism, and even our heart and skin healthy. Those 2 little green capsules that I take before bed do ALL of that for me, and unlike my diet, I don’t have to give up anything!!!
I am no scientist
So, I’m not getting into the details (besides, I tend to be long-winded when I’m excited about a product like this), so if YOU’D like to know more about the scientific research and why SEED Symbiotics are the best probiotics you can take, spend some time looking over their site at
If like me you just want something that works
- Check out Seed Daily Synbiotics yourself.
- They offer free US shipping. International flat-rate.
- You can skip or cancel at any time.
- Your Seed Probiotic will ship in 5-7 days.