I’ve always lived by the “Live Fast, Die Young” credo. That is I DID WHEN I was MUCH younger. Now that I’m in the second 1/2 of my life, all of that dying young stuff doesn’t sound so good. At twenty, it seems like such a long way off doesn’t it? Partying, traveling, staying up late, eating whatever I wanted, bronzing myself in the sun all seemed like good ideas at the time. Not so much anymore.
It’s funny how age makes you STOP AND TAKE A LOOK at what you should have done (had you known better or even CARED). Unfortunately, backtracking and doing it over is not an option. The only move we can make is to go forward.
Looking at my family history is a scary thing. My dad has had 3 or 4 heart bypass surgeries, stents galore, diabetes, as well as all of those other issues that come along with them. My mom passed away at 55 (the age that I’m at now) from breast cancer. There’s alzheimer’s, cancer, etc. in the family and frankly I want to protect myself the best that I can.
I know that one of the biggest findings of this past decade was the fact that a glass of red wine each day will help protect against many of the heart issues that are in my family tree. I mean, I should be ALL OVER the French Paradox. I spend time in Paris and Amboise each year, continually study the French language, etc. So, why am I NOT drinking it?
While that glass of wine might help my heart – it keeps me from falling asleep at night (or if I do fall asleep, I wake up an hour or two later and am up the rest of the night). Even if I DO fall asleep (not often) I wake up feeling “fuzzy” with a dull headache. Maybe I just can’t tolerate the alcohol. So what to do?
I’ve actually found and easy (and delicious) solution. Resveratrol is the ingredient in the grapes (particularly the grape skins) that protect against heart disease (as well as other diseases). The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine found that resveratrol can potentially reverse
Rather than choke on huge supplements, I’ve started using Genesis Today‘s Resveratrol Juice to help protect my health. I like that I’m getting the benefits of drinking wine without the awful side effects. The flavor is much like grape juice, but it almost has a finish on it that tastes like wine. Since I’m always grabbing a drink and walking around the mansion anyway, I really enjoy knowing that I’m not only drinking something that tastes good, but is good for me.
I’ve been buying it in the large 64 oz size, because I like to be sure to have some daily, but it also comes in a smaller 10 oz size for grab and go convenience. It’s NOT CHEAP – I think I paid a bit over $6.50 at WalMart, but I don’t scrimp on my health.
If you’d like more information about Genesis Today’s Resveratrol Juice, check out their website for all of the health benefits, etc. Oh and I’ve also been drinking some of their other SuperFruit juices as well, which I’ll tell you about at a later date.
Oh and if you’ve got a GREAT IDEA for a way for Genesis Today to communicate via social media – enter their Genesis of a Great Idea contest. You could walk away with a $10,000 prize!
kalea_kane says
Looks marvelous! My mouth is watering!