Dusting, mopping, washing floors, and doing dishes are NOT on my list of things that I enjoy doing. I understand that there are plenty of you who actually look forward to yanking out the vacuum cleaner or standing over the sink scrubbing pots and pans – but you can COUNT ME OUT OF THAT PARTY!!!
I’m ready to go High-Tech in the Kitchen. We use smart phones and netbooks, ipods, etc. yet cleaning is still in the dark ages. According to Chef Cece Carmichael (from The Food Network’s Calling All Cooks and Good Food Fast), here are a few things that you can do to UPDATE your kitchen routine.
- Arm Yourself with Apps: Smartphone applications, like on the Apple iPhone®, can be functional as well as entertaining. Many have been developed to solve even the toughest of kitchen quandaries. For instance, there are apps that do kitchen measurement conversions and apps with fast, healthy recipes. So whether you need a revolutionary new way to calculate conversions, or to get a leg-up on your meal plans, download a few to have on hand.
- Upgrade to Hands-Free Appliances: Everyone wishes they had a third hand in the kitchen. Bring your kitchen into the 21st century by replacing old appliances with new, touch-less appliances. There are paper towel dispensers and trash cans that are activated with the wave of a hand, and sink faucets that turn on with the tap of an elbow.
- Automate Kitchen Clean-Up: With all dishwashing detergents changing to phosphate-free formulations, now is the time to change your routine and try the new revolutionary FINISH Quantumatic. The innovative and effortless new system transforms the kitchen clean-up routine by eliminating the need for pre-rinsing.
- Chore Lists of the Future: Don’t count on sticky notes or verbal instructions for your family. Use a fridge magnet that records videos to leave detailed, visual instructions on what to clean and how to cook.

- Pop a refill into the container and replace the lid (make sure that it’s locked)
- Clip it onto the top rack of your dishwasher
- Refill the container after 12 uses.
- There’s a small metal ball that moves over the top so that you can see how many washes are left. This gives you plenty of time to get to the store and buy a refill.
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Be sure to leave a comment letting me know if you’ve done any of these (if you already subscribe or have our badge – please note that in the comments as well).
* This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over and ends on June 29, 2010 11:59 EST.
* The winner will be randomly chosen and their information will be sent directly to the sponsor
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