ME – I’m the type of girl (ahem – woman) who expects to get the MOST for her money. That being said, I also like to have the VERY BEST. I’ve never been and never will be a schlock-shopper. It’s not necessarily that I have to have brand names on everything, but I expect quality and quite often the brand names produce a better quality of merchandise. Who am I kidding? I LIKE the good stuff.

I laughed and said – LET’S GO FIND OUT!! If you hadn’t figured it out, we’re both shoe-a-holics and Marshall’s had a MEGA shoe department, with LOTS of brand names including COACH for 50% off. At the end of the day, I deemed the Spendervention a SUCCESS. Now I’m not saying that she won’t still go to the Mall to shop (she’s just not the stopping cold turkey type), but I KNOW that she’ll be ducking into TJ Maxx and Marshall’s to check out what they have BEFORE she spends the BIG BUCKS!
If you think YOU need a Spendervention of your own, Champagne Living and TJX is giving ONE of our readers a $25.00 T.J. Maxx gift card!!
Daily Entry: Leave your name and e-mail address and tell me why YOU or someone you know needs a SPENDERVENTION!
Subscribe to Champagne Living for FREE by Email or RSS. Follow me on Twitter
Add my button to your blog sidebar (please let me know that you did this in the comment section)
BONUS: Copy and paste this sentence into ANY post on your blog: Enjoy the good life at Champagne Living! (please leave the link in the comment section)
- Please make sure you leave your email address when adding a comment or I will not be able to contact you if you win.
- This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over and ends on June 15, 2009.
- The winner will be randomly chosen and contacted via email.
- The winner has 48 hours to respond to my email or an alternate winner will be chosen.
- Please make sure you check your junk mail folder
- Good Luck
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Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
My pal Margaret and I each lost $160 at the track last weekend. Granted, we were on a free trip, but we shouldn’t have spent that money on the slots!
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
I subscribe to your RSS feed
guettel78 says
My sister’s in desperate need of a spendervention – I keep telling her she can find great, high-end-quality clothes and accessories at stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls, but a gift card might be what it takes to get her to go!
love to find deals and tend to go online this would help me get some new clothes and update
Kari says
I have never shopped at T.J. Maxx, even though my mother-in-law keeps telling me about all the great deals she finds there. I guess I could use a "spendervention" to finally try it for myself. Thanks.
V.Mayer says
My teen-aged daughter is learning to be a bargain-shopper, but I'd like to offer her this prize, before she needs a "SPENDERVENTION!"
LindaD says
There are a lot of things in transition in my life right now, and I need a "spendervention" to lose my old shop til I drop ways and become more bargain-conscious.
Anonymous says
I'm not too bad when it comes to spending…but I do love to shop. Sometimes my husband thinks it's too much. But when I took him to T.J. Maxx with me to get my dress for my college graduation and he saw what a great deal I got! ;)…well he's been a little easier on me since then (and very proud of me!).
– Liz
Enjoy the good life at Champagne Living!
ddtavener says
my daughter needs a spendervention! I need to plan ahead for back to school shopping.
Rebecca Graham says
I have been working so hard lately that I am ready for a spendervention.
KDTX says
I have a friends who only buys from thrift stores and I'd love top ask her to go shopping with me and then present her with the card in the store.
Anonymous says
My mother says I need a SPENDERVENTION because I am hung up on the clothes from one source and do not look anywhere else.
Anonymous says
I am getting remarried and needing to cut back on costs. I am in need of a spendervention to show my new man I can save money and still look good.
guettel78 says
I'd love to give my sister a spendervention – she's addicted to brands and designers, but I think a gift card to TJ Maxx could turn her around and show her that she can buy great looking clothes at a fraction of the price. Thanks!
guettel78 says
I subscribed by email – thanks!
guettel78 says
I'm following you on twitter (guettel78) – thanks! says
handbags, shoes, jewelry – those are my weaknesses
joannaonthelake says
Honestly, I love to give my husband a SPENDERVENTION!! We have 3 young children and all our $$$ goes to making sure their needs are met. My husband is so good looking, but really, his clothes are from like the 80's, we need to get him some new cool updates looks so it will better reflect the modern man that he truly is! He would never spend money on himself when there are so many other items we need for our family so this would be a special treat just for him! He, money goes a loooong way at TJMaxx, and we have one very close to where we live! Thanks so much for the chance to enter.
Joanna Smith
joannaonthelake says
I'm now subscribed through email, yay! Looking forward to receiving them.
joannaonthelake says
I am now follower you on twitter, my username is joannaonthelake
joannaonthelake says
I prominently placed your Button on my blog
joannaonthelake says
I made a special blog post just for YOU! I repeated your sentence and added one of my own, here's the link
cathiem says
My daughter needs one. She is constantly buying clothes. Last time I bought Clothes was about 2 years ago.
foamfan says
A relative is bad about buying blouses or shoes at a department store (she shops when bored–a big no-no). Then, instead of realizing that it doesn't fit or she didn't need it — she NEVER returns stuff to the store — she tries to stick me with the stuff, that is NOT my taste, at all!! Aarrgh!!
(And I'm a no-clutter convert! Double aarrgh!)
(I subscribe to your RSS feed)
Susan K. says
I shop every weekend…it's a sport to me. : ) My friends and I make a Sunday ritual out of it, get a bagel for fuel then hit up the stores all day long. This is why I need a Spendervention.
naturegirl says
I am a very thrifty person and already shop at TJ Maxx, but I have a friend who only shops at department stores and doesn't pay attention to prices. Then she gets a shock when the total comes up at checkout. She definitely needs an intervention.
Tara says
Easy enough. I have a new found addiction to shoes. It is a new love affair and still extremely fragile, however I need all the support I can get.I am thinking of starting a support group! So I defintiely need a spendervention!
tatertot374 says
I am on a budget so I definitely need this. With a family of 5 TJ Maxx is a definite for us. They have great quality with even better prices. Thank you for the chance
Alison says
I need one because I'm a poor grad student who loves the good life!
Sugar Mountain Mercantile says
My husband, daughter, and soon to be son-in-law are all GM employees, and have been laid off forever. Can you say we NEED all the help we can get right now? A TJ Maxx gift card would surely cheer everyone up! Not to mention it's my daughter's favorite place to shop..she knows a great bargain when she sees one!
Anonymous says
I am a college student and have not purchased any new clothes in 2 years.I would love a new outfit.
Jadd says
My mother has been INSANELY stressed lately and spending money up the wazoo because her car is starting to turn into a huge lemon. She's seriously the nicest woman who would do (and does) anything for anyone and always puts other people first, and actually just lent a bunch of money to my grandmother so she could buy a car…then of course my Mom's car started having problems. I just think having a nice free trip to TJ Maxx would help her gain somewhat of a piece of mind back. She deserves it.
Jadd Naamani
rbailey1958 says
I really need spendervention, I have a problem staying within my means, you know what I mean?
5webs says
My husband needs a spendervention. He doesn't buy things for himself that often, but when he does, it is always a big-ticket item that takes months to pay off. Ouch!
Alicia Webster
Jadd says
Following you on Twitter!!
Jadd Naamani
clc408 says
I am very careful with my money. I only splurge once in a while, so that's when I could use a spendervention.
Janna @ Feed Your Pig says
I need this because I have a shopping habit. I do love tj maxx tho!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
elkaye says
I think my mother could use a Spendervention.
elkaye says
I subscribe to the feed.
elkaye says
I follow on twitter.
The Queen Of Free says
My husband needs a spendervention! He likes to shop at pricey department stores! Eeek!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
daizee says
I need one because I bought two too many pairs of shoes last weekend!
marthajane says
My husband could use a spendervention — I am very frugal, but he thinks he deserves the very best.
denyse says
denyse_g at hotmail dot com
I need one because the economy is so bad and everything keeps going. Cutting corners isn't helping ends to meet any more!- Ugghh!
dddiva says
I need a spendervention – according to Ken I do more than my fair share of keeping the economy going (apparently there are a lot of slackers the way things are going) and he'd like a little break from my *ahem* spending.
Stephanie says
My mother already gave me a spendervention and I buy everything at TJ Maxx now. Love that place!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
DePro says
I need one because I haven't had one for years!
Anonymous says
I need a spendervention! I am having a hard time saving for a wedding and need help!
Sunnyvale says
I need it! Have been wallowing in my dreary clothes for way too long.
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention because I hardly ever put my self first and need some new stuff pretty badly, things I own are worn and old.
georgie c says
subscribed by RSS feed. electricisland(at)
georgie c says
Following you on Twitter (id- electricisland)
georgie c says
got your button
Candice C says
My Mom needs a spendervention. Thanks to this post I can prove to her that you can get designer shoes at a great price!
candicech1 at yahoo dot com
Kia89 says
I really really need a spendervention.
kathy55439 says
My friend Candi just because she never does anything for herself Says she doesn't know what to buy for her body type
Crown the Queen says
My mom needs a spendervention!! She shops at the expensive stores and now that she isn't employeed she still does!! I love TJMaxx and she needs to learn to give it a try and she will see that she can save money and still have rockin clothes
kdkdkd says
I don't need one, I don't have any money to spend LOL. One of my friends could use it though, she only shops at the fanciest store, spends a fortune on clothes
Anonymous says
I locw TJ Maxx and go there whenever I am in a town that has one. Have found great deals there. I especially love they usually have choc. covered bing cherries.
Vanessa says
My Sister in law, she also thinks more expensive is better. Which is bad when you have a lot of kids and not a lot of money to go around.
lostinthemission at yahoo dot com
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
A closet full of Kate Spade bags and shoes is just one of the reasons I need a spendervention.
cherio1 says
I need Spendervention desperately! I am a bonafide purseaholic!! I cannot pass up one of these wonderful bags if they are the least bit colorful. Please help me!!!!!
Anonymous says
I definitly need a spendervation because I keep splurging on nice makeup and I am running low on dough! Also because I can't stop myself from going into a TJ Maxx if I am in proximity. It's an addiction….
Jacqueline in Atlanta says
I don't know that I need a Spendervention, actually. In fact, I love Marshall's and TJ Maxx and I love the food section in the back of Ross. I get a great box of tea from England back there called "the London Cuppa". I think they have it all three places, but it is hit or miss. You have to search for it. I also buy quality olive oil there.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
mogrill says
I could use Spendervention!! Thanks for the chance.
mogrill says
I need intervention, I wanna save but just cannot seem to! Thanks for the chance.
ddtavener says
I would love to share a spendervention with my young daughter, who is just learning how to shop
guettel78 says
I'd like to gift a spendervention to my big sis, who's always been reluctant to shop in discount stores and favors labels and styles that are well above her means — I think she'd be pleasantly surprised at the selection at TJ Maxx!
Kelly says
With a second daughter due this summer, I am seriously in need of a spendervention! It's so easy to buy all the cute stuff for little girls and spend a fortune doing it! kc dot laraia at gmail dot com
KDTX says
My best friend is in dire need of a 'spendervention'!. With 4 little ones to look after there's not a lot left for her, in cash or time.
I would go with her to make sure she spends it on herself!
Amber says
I need a spendervention because I haven't treated myself to anything (clothes, purse, cosmetics) in months – saving all of my money in the face of this economy.
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
clynsg says
My grandchildren need a spendervention. They have a really hard time recognizing the difference between a 'need to have' and a 'would like to have'.
Katie says
With two kids I have lost the ability to spend money on myself. If I ever do it would have to be discount so this is perfect!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
Sara says
My friend Megan only buys her kids brand new name brand clothes. I only buy second hand! They grow out of them too fast.
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
I would tell you my checking account balance, but then we'd both be embarassed.
Daily entry for says
I need it, all I do is wear plain tshirts and jeans.
I'm need Spendervention to get in touch with my denial about my finances! I keep looking for the half full glass!
melody says
i need help, i have Champagne taste, and i don't even have a beer budget. it's water for me, tap water.
Unknown says
I definately need a spendervention. I keep looking at pictures of me and my family and my kids and hubby have on different outfits. For some reason I keep seeing the same shirt or same ole outfit when it comes to me.. I have to do something about that.. I am always making sure everyone has what they need and I am the one who needs a few things..
clc408 says
I need a spendervention. I just looked in my closet and I see clothes that are literally 15-20 years old. I'd love to get a few new things.
Sheila says
I need a Spendervention because Hubby was just forced to take a pay cut after 30+ years with the same company because of the economy.
Alicia says
I would love to give this to my sister because she is 7 months pregnant and very miserable. She works full time and is mommy to three kids. She really needs a spendervention.
The Queen Of Free says
My hubby needs a spendervention because he would rather pay full price in a department store than hunt for bargains at TJ Maxx or Marshalls.
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
Anonymous says
I need a spenervention. I don't know why but I feel guilty spending money on myself and my wardrobe definately proves it.
nms147 at
ecky says
my mom might actually need a spendervention from tj maxx…but she would love this!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
foamfan says
I guess I have to admit that I need a spendervention, as well. I'm the world's worst about combing the clearance racks, to look for the cheapest slacks in the world, instead of taking style and fit into consideration. One day, no doubt, I will get busted on "What Not to Wear" or "Style Jury," and they won't even be polite enough to cover my face with a black bar, as in the ever-popular "Glamour Don't" column!!
mmentor says
sign me up
ktgonyea says
My entry for Thursday 06/04 🙂
ktgonyea at
Anonymous says
I need a Spendervention to create the time to shop the Off-Price stores! Help me get organized to find those deals.
Roxy says
I am in need of a spendervention… I can't help myself. There are just oo many goodies to buy!
hockiemack at
ronald says
i need a spendervention because i have no money to spend
zedthewizard at gmail dot com says
I need intervention to stay off internet shopping.
tonic5 says
I need to save more money
Meaghan F. says
I'm a college student and I need to save and pay off my loans… but shoes are amazing!
Danielle L. says
I need this giftcard because I am broke!
Danielle L. says
I subscribed by email!
Danielle L. says
I am following you on twitter!
Monica B. says
I need a spendervention because I need to save more money!! The malls are draining my pockets!
ddtavener says
My son thinks that money grows on trees! He needs to start learning the value of money.
Stephanie says
My brother in law needs a spendervention!! badly. He's famous for his buyer's remorse. He'll spend $300 on a polo and then when he gets home, he doesn't like the color. INSANE.
Stephanie says
blogged about this:
pearlymomma says
My fiance/ future husband needs a spendervention. He's exactly like your friend. As soon as we walk into a TJMaxx, Ross, or even a thrift store, his nose turns up. He just doesn't get that its the same clothes but wayyyyy cheaper. I even pointed out a Tommy Hilfiger shirt in our local thrift store for a $1 and he "declined" it because we were in a thrift store. The funny thing is that I coupon ALOT and he doesn't mind me saving money on food and other household items, just not his clothes!
PearlyMomma says
I'm following you on Twitter.
Anonymous says
I need a Spendervention. All I spend on these days is diapers and baby wipes, lol, oh…and milk. I need some mommy shopping going on in this house too!
Anonymous says
I need a spendervention simply because I love to shop and I spend so much money on others!
catie says
My mom is in need of a Spendervention because she refuses to shop anywhere but the mall. Drives me crazy! I LOVE T.J. Maxx and she won't even go in there with me.
Amber says
I need a Spendervention because I always lust after designer brands but they are way too expensive – I guess TJ Maxx would be a great place to pick up some of the pricier brands for a good price!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Tina says
Oh my gosh!! I just moved to Tampa and there is a TJ Maxx down the street. I must admit that I have never gone into one. I am on my way!!
Thanks for the giveaway..
guettel78 says
I'd love to surprise my older sis with the spendervention – she is living on her own for the first time and really needs to learn how to budget. It would be great to show her that she can satisfy her preference for high-end fashion without hurting her bank account!
Erika*Coffee says
My best friend needs a spendervention because she never takes the time to shop around for prices. She finds something she likes and snatches it up without even considering it could be a better price anywhere else.
Erika*Coffee says
clc408 says
I need a spendervention to update my tired, tired wardrobe. Thanks.
Anonymous says
I need a spendervention because my wardrobe is looking oh so sad lately.
Anonymous says
M. Carrol
I need a spendervention so that I can be back in fashion!
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
My friend Alex could use a spendervention as she was laid off in October and is nearing the end of her unemployment benefits. But she still loves to shop and spend.
Carolyn G says
I need a spendervention because I need some new summer shoes!!
KDTX says
In this worrisome economy it would be a wonderful thing to walk into the store with this lovely prize and walk out again with a new purchase and still have your cash in your that you be an AWESOME spendervention!.
The Queen Of Free says
My mom needs a spendervention because my dad lost his job last year and they have had to cut way back!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
Kristy Hostetler says
My mom needs a spendervention, she just shops out of boredom, and when she see's SALE, she has to buy it! I was like that before, but I learned how to find the best deals, like TJ Maxx!
Kristy Hostetler
msgulliver says
Sandy Gulliver
I need a spendervention because I no longer work (retire), and the money isn't as abundant as it once was. My tastes are still the same, though. In fact, I just recently rediscovered TJ Maxx and have shopped there twice in the last month. It's my new favorite store.
Kristy Hostetler says
Im also a subscriber via Email!
Kristy Hostetler
Tamara B. says
My tween daughter need a spendervention no matter where we go she always ask to buy something. Now she is asking for more clothes.
Tamara B. says
I am an email subscriber
Tamara B. says
I am a subscriber through RSS.
georgie c says
Because I have old and worn stuff by now that why I need a Spendervention.
naturegirl says
I'm thrifty, and already shop at TJ Maxx, but I have a friend who only shops at department stores, then wonders why she never has enough money. She really needs to give up the high end stores and check out the big discounts at TJ Maxx.
Amber says
I could use a spendervention because I have severely cut back on my budget for myself – putting our remaining money towards family needs first!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
dddiva says
I could use a spendervention because it is a way to keep the economy going by still getting cute things but also keeping a realistic budget.
guettel78 says
I'd like to surprise my sister with a spendervention – she's learning how to live on her own and balance her budget, and I think she'd be pleasantly surprised at how she can meet her personal need for brand name fashions at TJ Maxx. Thanks!
foamfan says
My sis also needs a spendervention, as when she graduated from college, she let one of the class advisors talk her into buying a new "interview suit" at the mall, for the job fair that was to be held at the school.
Sadly…no employers showed up at the fair, and the spendy suit still hangs in the closet…after one wearing. (Even the food at the job fair was no good.) So sad.
clc408 says
I need a Spendervention to replace some of the 20 year old clothing I'm still wearing!
Anonymous says
My mom, broke but still likes to shop at the mall
nms147 (at)
georgie c says
I need a Spedervention cause I never splurge
absurdarcy says
I love shopping at this store. I love bargain hunting.
KDTX says
A great spendervention for me would be to buy some of the wonderful flavored oils and rubs they sell and then invite friends to dinner to sample the results of my cooking with these usually high priced culinary delights
Anonymous says
I like shopping at T J Max lot of good bargins
dddiva says
I'd love to help my daughter with a Spendervention- she's in the process of a divorce and really has to find a way to get her son what he needs without blowing her budget. T J Maxx would help her do that.
judygr64 says
I could use a spendervention. I want all the very nicest things and I'm a bit like your friend…I don't always enjoy the discount store experience. But I do like TJMaxx, so I'd be happy to win!
judygr64 says
I'm also a subscriber via email.
Erika*Coffee says
I need a spendervention because I am entirely refurnishing a new apartment and I want to buy EVERYTHING I see but I need to be patient and wait for better deals otherwise I will BREAK the BANK
guettel78 says
I would love to surprise my sister with a spendervention – she's a high-fashion kind of girl living on a budget that's not as accommodating. This would get her started on the road to recovery as she realizes she can look great for a fraction of the price she pays for her wardrobe now.
georgie c says
daily entry- I need a Spendervention because most my things are getting worn and old.
Sunnyvale says
I do okay with the spending, but I have a daughter who needs some "thrift" lessons
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
The mall is calling my name. Help me stay away.
Daily entry for
oneinamil23 says
i need one because this money is burning a hole i my pocket!!
autumn398 (at)
Amber says
I need a spendervention so I can perhaps get myself a little something nice for once!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
guettel78 says
I would like to give my sister a spendervention to break her from the high-end stores and boutiques that she can't really afford anymore and show her that she can buy the styles she likes for a reasonable price – thanks!
Anonymous says
Oh my!!! I NEED A SPENDERVENTION FOR MYSELF!!! I am a new stay-at-home mom & we are looking to cut costs in every department. But really, I'm such a girly girl that I can't stop myself from getting a few fun things!!
Thanks so much for this giveaway!!
allysona says
birthday money..need to spend on bills…but
heather says
I need a spendervention because I have champagne taste on a shoestring budget! I wish my TJ's had lilly polo's for 30 bucks..I checked today…nada. I am DYING to get a pair of gorgeous coach shoes that I saw there today which I still cannot afford…hence asking for the gift card, if I got 25 bucks off with the card, they'd just jump into my shopping cart on their own and there would be nothing that you or I could do about it. Here's to hoping shoes learn to jump on their own!
heather says
Ohhh… I didn't post my email. I am the lady who wants the shoes to jump into her cart…give me the spendervention. I am desperate!
naturegirl says
I'm thrifty, but I have a very unthrifty friend who never pays attention to price tags, and therefore way over spends. She should be shopping at TJ Maxx like I do.
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention because it's time for some new things right about now.
vboackle says
tj maxx is my fave store.
ktgonyea says
My 06/08 entry 🙂
ktgonyea at
*~Dani~* says
I need a Spendervention because I need new clothes for my new job but without breaking the bank!
agordon10 says
i deserve something for me.
azrosebud says
my daughter needs a spendervation – she has tons of shoes and clothes – me i hardly ever buy myself new things
Tracy says
I'm a bedding a holic, I love going to marshalls to get quality bedding at frugal girl pricing! The thing is, getting one set at at time would be smart, but I'll go in there and get multiples! So maybe I'm not saving, but I just can't help myself!
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
I'm hoping to be able to cut back on work and the only way I know to do that is by spending less.
Amy @ Goo Goo Buy Buy
guettel78 says
I'd like to give my sister a spendervention to curb her of her addiction to pricey apparel and show her that she can find the same quality in the merchandise offered at stores like TJ Maxx and Marshall's – thanks!
clc408 says
I need a spendervention to replace some of the 20 year old clothes in my closet.
Amanda says
I need a Spendervention and I think TJ Maxx would be the perfect place because they have nice things at even NICER prices!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Marianna says
I need a spendervention! My budget is blown and I need all the help I can get to get the best goods at the best prices!
Linda says
My niece was telling me about the great bargains she finds at TJ MAX, so I would love to win this for her.
allysona says
i have been shopping a tj max before the economy went bad
courtneystoffel says
I need a SPENDERVENTION because I have 1 teen daughters who are alwaying wanting something!
hebert024 at aol dot com
deedleweedle says
I need spendervention because I have hardly any decent clothes.
ktgonyea says
My 06/09 entry 🙂
ktgonyea at
Linda says
I would give this to my niece because she tells me what great deals she always gets at TJ Max and she is a deal seeker!
Mia J. says
I could use a spendervention because my husband has been laid off and I could use a bit of cheering up. This would be great and maybe I could buy myself something pretty…
Beth says
My sis Lisa needs some cheering up, lost her job last year and just got one two months ago, but I think if she had something NEW it might make her feel better about the job she has.
Amber says
I need a spendervention because I am on such a tight budget. I know $25 might not seem huge – but it would be a huge treat for me!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Anonymous says
My husband, he is so cheap he stills wears some of his shirts from high school
guettel78 says
My sister could really use a spendervention – I've seen some of her credit card bills, and she really needs to adjust her spending habits while still maintaining her great style. She'll be glad to know she can do both by shopping at great stores like TJ Maxx, and a gift card would be a terrific incentive to get her to start!
clc408 says
If you looked in my closet, you'd know who needs a Spendervention! Thanks.
kdkdkd says
I need money to spend be fore I can have a spendervention!
Amber says
I need a spendervention so I can afford a little something nice for myself at TJ Maxx!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention because I need some new things
Anonymous says
I need a Spendervention. I've been out of work since August of last year and I haven't bought anything new for myself since. I'd love to get some new jeans!
allysona says
love tj max and marshall's..even though i don't have much money to spend
guettel78 says
I've been trying to convince my sister to change her bad shopping habits for a long time, but it might just take a gift card to kick start her into considering great discount shopping venues like TJ Maxx and Marshalls — thanks for the chance to win one to begin her spendervention!
A. says
My husband thinks I need a spendervention – I just asked, haha. Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
msrodeobrat says
i need a spendervention because like your friend.. i can't seem to break away from the expensive brands whether i have the money to spend or not. many times those discount stores are so unorganized i just can't shop there.. maybe this would make me go in and see what they can really offer
Anonymous says
Hello we do have a TJ Max and my Daughter and I love it everytime We go We're there a min of a hour shopping.There's so many great deals! I've never walked out empty handed
Courtenay says
I subscribe via e-mail.
mysbc27-web AT yahoo DOT com
Courtenay says
I follow you Twitter (courtenay27).
mysbc27-web AT yahoo DOT com
Courtenay says
I could use a spendervention for certain things like tasty looking groceries. I should probably just not shop when I'm hungry. That'd probably help. 🙂
mysbc27-web AT yahoo DOT com
guettel78 says
I'd surprise my sister with a spendervention – in the past she's been reluctant to give up her high-end department stores and shops in favor of discount stores, but a gift card would be a nice incentive to get her to go with me to TJ Maxx or Marshalls!
Amber says
I need a spendervention to give me a little extra buying power for something I WANT but don't necessarily NEED.
pixilation says
My sister needs a slendrervention.. she thinks everything has to come from a fancy shamansy store!
pixilation says
I follow ya on twitter!
clc408 says
I could use a Spendervention to get a reasonably priced swimsuit. Thanks!
ktgonyea says
Count me in again please 🙂
ktgonyea at
Abby says
my friend has racked up her Nordstrom credit card but she refuses to go anywhere else. she definitely needs the spendervention so i can whip her into shape!
duncan_beach@hotmail,.com says
My sister Doreen needs the spendervention so that she can save some money-she's blown tens of thousands on antiques, and now she's disabled and can't work full-time. says
I need it, i"m a cheapo and it shows.
allysona says
tj max is the best for gift giving ideas
Betty C says
I need it because I will wait and wait to buy something then suddenly I feel like I have to have it right away. That usually means spending extra. Perhaps if I start shopping at T.J. Maxx I can save some money.
Julie Vineyard says
I love these types of stores and refuse to pay the big prices at the mall stores!
Ken says
My sister would love this. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
nms147 says
My brother, he loves fancystuff and pays full pricefor everything
nms147 (at)
Amber says
I could use a spendervention so I could maybe buy myself a little treat!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Anonymous says
I am in need of a spendervention! I was downsized (who invented that word?!) this week and will need to curb my spending but I have two little girls that need some summer clothes. I think I need to get the Maxx for the minimum at TJ Maxx!
clc408 says
A Spendervention would do a lot to update my tired wardrobe. Thanks!
jennem says
I do–I never have time to shop until the last minute, so then I spend too much.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Charity says
I need it because I shouldn't feel guilty, about spending my hard earned money.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
Charity says
I subscribe via reader.
guettel78 says
I'd love to surprise my older sis with a spendervention – since she's living on her own for the first time and facing student loan and car payments now, she could really use one so she can save money and still look great. Thanks for the chance to win!
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention to get out of the slump
hale2005 says
A co-worker I know spends 150$ a month on cell phones. Meanwhile, both mom and daughter drive the same car that's on it's last legs. Best bet would be to kill the cell phones and invest in a new car or pre-owned car.
Tammy S. says
I am in need of a SPENDERVENTION. It would be a "step up" to be able to shop at TJ Maxx or Marshall's.
Jill Weiss says
right now, i am in college. the last thing i have on my mind is buying expensive clothes. tj maxx has amazing designers for an inexpensive price.
Caro says
I could use a spendervention–just because I'm a college student and ANYTHING at regular price is something I shouldn't be buying…
Anonymous says
I am really in a mood to shop. I need a spendervention. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
Anonymous says
My best friend needs this… I'm good at spending already haha – anyway she lives in sweats, she definitely needs a little spending money.
Sheila R says
My sister is a shopoholic. She shops at high end stores and she spends so much money on clothes she doesn't realize you can get the same thing for a lot less.
Sheila R says
I subscribe to your RSS feed via My Yahoo.
LindsayC says
I need the spending intervention for myself. We took an income cut and we have to figure out how to still live our lives just on a different payment plan.
Betty C says
Beejax says
I would get the intervention for my best friend. She always has to have designer everything and refuses to shop sales. Its ridiculous to pay full price for anything especially now when everything is on sale.
Christina says
Christina – – My niece needs a Spendervention because she will just buy anything she likes, without thought of saving money! Thanks for the wonderful gift certificate giveaway!
gstix says
I would intervene with my girlfriend. I'm amazed at how much money that woman can spend on shoes….
clc408 says
I need a Spendervention to update my awful wardrobe. Thanks!
OlyveOyl says
Our oldest has been dating a gal that has brainwashed him into thinking that sale items are those that no one wants – thus, we have a poor son who is having a very difficult time affording his gal. Someday he will come back to reality and realize that shopping discount houses is the way to go!
OlyveOyl says
Can't see that my entry went through – but….one of my sons has a girlfriend that has brainwashed him into believing that sale items (not just the discount stores) are for people that want items that no one else wants. She is a brand name/brand store person – one day he will wake up and realize why he is broke!
ktgonyea says
I'd love this 🙂
ktgonyea at
guettel78 says
I'd give this spendervention to my sister for sure – she needs to learn how to live on a budget, and I'm sure she'd be pleasantly surprised at all the great items she can find at TJ Maxx and Marshalls!
JillianLVeit says
TJ Maxx has such great prices. I'd love to have this prize!
Goo Goo Buy Buy... says
I need a spendervention because I'm trying to save for my dream house.
Kristy says
Im a followr on Twitter
Kristy says
My little sis needs a Spendervention, she just buys things to buy something! Price tags dont mean a thing to her,till she has to pay her Credit card bill!
Kristy says
Im an email subscriber
My co-worker (A****) is in need of a spendervention. She religiously overspends at Bloomingdale's AND local boutiques that I'm afraid of entering because of the prices and the Amazon sales people who have their nose super high in the air. When two of my other colleagues and I discuss the deals we snagged at TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Ross', she does look interested but its like we were speaking Greek. We need to bring her over to the not-dark side.
Anonymous says
I haven't bought jeans in over 5yrs and they are wearing out. Need new pairs! heartgrayson at yahoo dot com
bndraldy says
My daughter needs a spendervention. She has champagne taste on a beer pocketbook – especially shoes and purses. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
heaventrees says
I need a "spendervention" because I love nice things but don't need to be spending money. Who does? I love T.J. Maxx, great place for my "therapy".
cdziuba says
I need a spendervention to snap me out of my perimenopausal blues. lol
cdziuba says
cdziuba says
I follow on Twitter cdziuba
cdziuba says
cdziuba says
Jessilyn82 says
I would love to win this for my mom, she got laid off from her job and doesn't get to buy new things much anymore, so it would be a nice treat for her!
Jessilyn82 says
I subscribe
Lawyer Wannabe says
i need a spendervention I'm a student and i don't have a job but I still spend.
tattwo says
I need a spendervention on the days when I shop when I really shouldn't set foot in a store of any kind. Thanks.
mscoffee77 says
I hardly ever buy anything for myself(I have a 3 year old & 1 year old), but I promise to use this gift card on myself if I win!
Marie says
I really need a spendervention — I have no nice clothes and finding some good clothes that don't cost a fortune would be great!
amyd29 says
I would say me!!!I never go to this store&they have great prices!
Anonymous says
For my brother!
Charity says
I need to spend..and not feel guilty.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com says
me, i have no idea about fashion
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention cause things are getting worn out and dont fit
Anonymous says
I need a spendervention because I love designer baby clothes. Outfitting my twins is going to ruin me if I don't change. I'm heading to TJ Maxx to check things out. Thanks! theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com
ktanjatk says
My good friend needs a spendervention badly!
ktanjatk says
ktanjatk says
following on twitter
heyhazelhazel says
My sister needs a spendervention because she has expensive taste and a small budget
Sarah Z says
Because I have lost 40 pounds and need some new clothes!
believedreamcourage (at)
Meet the Browns says
I one day looked in my closet and realized I have nothing to wear!
js22 says
I'm unemployed and could use extra $$$ to put towards interview clothes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
Mishia says
I need a spendervention because when I want something, I have to have it. Shopping here will help me save money!
Erica C. says
I wind up buying so much online because it's convenient but shipping cost so much!
bndraldy says
I need a "spendervention" for my shopoholic daughter! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Erma says
I need this very bad, since I am trying to pay bills off and save money, I need clothes.
Anonymous says
I deserve it because I am always taking care of everyone and need to spoil myself just once
jdmimi at gmail dot com says
me, you have no idea…
Amber says
A spendervention at TJ MAXX would be great to help me save money while treating myself or my family to something nice.
Please enter me!
guettel78 says
If I'm lucky enough to win, I'd use the gift card to have a spendervention for my sister. She's been reluctant to abandon her tendencies to go off her budget to buy clothes from high-end department stores, but with a little nudging, I'm sure she'll realize she can find exactly what she's looking for at discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Thanks!
clc408 says
I'd love a Spendervention to get a new swimsuit. I'm embarrassed to tell you how old mine is. Thanks!
nmom says
I need it because we are in the middle of a home renovation and I need some new decor to match the new home!
joannaonthelake says
Today's daily entry ~ I truly want my husband to have a spendervention experience! He so rarely purchases anything new for himself and he always looks out for our 3 children first and I know he would love to splurge just once on something new for himself. Before we had children he used to love to spend big bucks on expensive clothes for himself, and he used to pride himself on how urban chic he dressed and I know that metrosexual man still exists deep within him just waiting for chance to come back and join the world! Thanks so much for the chance to enter.
Donna says
My husband keeps getting laid off from his job, a week here, 3 days there. I need some money to spend on something for ME! Not just bills!!!!
NesieBird says
I love to shop at TJ Maxx. I can buy nice things at equally nice prices. Thanks!
kneecree at gmail dot com
lezanac says
I need a spendervention before I start shopping for school clothes again
kathy pease says
i love shopping my hub is always bitchin at me 🙁
kathy pease says
following on twitter klp1965
Lindsay V says
All my close friends need an intervention! I swear they spend way too much on the same things I get for cheap! I love TJ's! Thanks!
lindsmoore55 at yahoo dot com
blueviolet says
My daughter needs the same type of spendervention that your friend did. She has high class tastes but her pocketbook doesn't match so TJ Maxx and Marshalls would fit the bill perfectly!
blueviolet says
I follow on twitter (blueviolet)
blueviolet says
I subscribe by RSS feed.
blueviolet says
I have your button
Deadmonkeys90 says
I need a spendervention because I just lost all the baby weight and my clothes are huge!
Deadmonkeys90 says
I subscribe
Jinxy and Me says
I need a spendervention because my closet is looking really sad. A few new things would really cheer it up!
Jinxy and Me says
I'm following you on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention so I can get me some new things
tina says
o my mom majorally she spends way to much extra by going to the mall shops she could save a fortune at tj maxx thanks
jzagarjr says
I need a spendervention
Angela says
My sister in law needs a spendervention! She spends way too much on brand names at the mall.
Charity says
I need it because I don't buy myself anything. I'm a single-parent, and my son comes first. I don't mind it at all, but I could use something nice.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
Emily says
Oh, could I ever use it! I love looking smart, but HATE spending the money.
allysona says
summer clothes are my weakness
Kate says
I ALWAYS have a habit of paying too much because I see something I want and then just go for it. Then I see something like it somewhere else for much cheaper and end up cursing myself for getting ahead of myself!
Sonya says
I need a spendervention because I have an 8 year old daughter that loves clothes 🙂
Erin says
I've never tried TJ Maxx, either—sounds intriguing. Thanks for the giveaway!
emhagedon at gmail
nms147 says
We could use some bargains right now because we are trying to save up some money
Anonymous says
I'm moving into a new house soon–I need a spendervention so I can save up some cash for that!
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
A. says
I don't think I necessarily do, but my husband thinks I do because money is tight around here! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
Sue says
I need a spendervention so that I can start saving some serious money on my wardrobe
Anonymous says
the reason is excellent:
T. J Maxx kills your desire to shop any more. and this means instant savings.
Anonymous says
I need a gift idea.
slehan says
I need it because I have no self control. This would help. Thanks for the contest.
tattwo says
I need a spendervention because we are planning a move next year and are trying to watch the pennies. Thanks.
Donna says
My sister needs one. She doesn't try to save money, but she needs to do that.
Donna says
Donna says
follow (donnak4)
Donna says
Put your button on my blog.
liliesrnice says
i need it because money's tight and i need clothes!
Anonymous says
Some makeup I have been wanting to try. I need a you know what! vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
missrantsypants says
My boyfriends Mother needs this. She spends so much on clothes! And she always compliments me on what Im wearing [which I mainly get at TJ Maxx]. She needs a SPENDERVENTION!!!!!
katybug says
I need a spendervention because I accidentally paid my mortgage twice last month and now I'm broke!
dvice says
We need it because it's tough getting enough new clothes for all of us
Helen says
My sister needs a SPENDERVENTION because she always pays retail.
sarah says
We've been doing Dave Ramsey…enough said!
Gianna says
My friend needs one.. she doesn't even use coupons!
lilyk says
I need a Spendervention because I'm a tight budget.
lilyk says
I subscribed by email.
georgie c says
I need a Spendervention as I dont buy much hardly ever.