Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Actalin. What follows are my own opinions and what I do for my OWN thyroid.

This is me…tired…no energy & bad lighting.
I’m a hot mess
I’ve been tired for a long time, my metabolism has slowed and I’ve gained weight, my cholesterol is higher than it used to be, my memory SUCKS, and I ache like a little old lady. My grandmother would have called me a kvetch (that’s Yiddish for someone who complains). But the truth is that it’s all very real. A couple of years ago I went to that witch doctor hormone replacement specialist and he told me that all of my hormones and adrenals were out of whack. He gave me creams and salves, but one thing stood out from the rest. It was when he mentioned
I’m pretty intuitive and had thought all along that it was hypothyroidism that was causing a lot of these issues (I also read a lot). My primary care doctor had said that it happens to women as they age and was pretty common. I wanted to know more.
The risk factors
I took a look at the list and here’s what I learned
- Are a woman older than age 60 – YES (63)
- Have an autoimmune disease – YES
- Have a family history of thyroid disease – I think so
- Have other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, a chronic inflammatory condition – YUP
- Have been treated with radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications – ??? I’m not sure what that is so I guess not
- Received radiation to your neck or upper chest – NO
- Have had thyroid surgery (partial thyroidectomy) – NOPE
- Have been pregnant or delivered a baby within the past six months – Oh, H3LL no.
Taking care of my thyroid naturally
If I can avoid taking a prescription, I will. That doesn’t mean that if I NEED it, I won’t take it…it just means that if I can find a more wholistic approach to my health, I do that first (like my adventures in acupuncture). When I learned about Actalin, I asked the company if I could try it. Thyroid specialist Dr. David Brownstein has formulated a natural supplement that he hopes will help millions suffering from chronic illnesses and I was ready to give it a go.
What did I have to lose? I was excited to learn that Actalin is currently offering a free trial where you can try Actalin free for 30 days (plus $4.95 shipping and handling). Plus, when you order you also get Dr. Brownstein’s Special Report “A Doctor’s Guide to a Healthy Thyroid” as a bonus gift. This downloadable special report is packed with information and practical advice on optimizing thyroid health.
It’s been 5 days
It’s only been 5 days since I began taking this natural thyroid treatment. I have noticed that my energy is higher, but it’s too soon to see if it affects my weight, etc. It has been an easy addition to my daily routine (I take it with my breakfast in the morning so I don’t forget).
- Learn more about Actalin at Medix Select
- Get your free 30 day trial of Actalin (you do have to pay $4.95 for shipping & handling)
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