What? You’re too busy getting the kids ready for back to school, planning that labor day cookout, getting the dust bunnies out from under the sofa, and picking up that bread and milk that you FORGOT to get yesterday?
Slow down, take a minute to breathe and celebrate
Here at Champagne Living we’re pro’s at relaxing. Just ask Mr. S who wants to know “What are you doing laying there with headphones on?” Ben and I both know the value of taking time for ourselves (he’s in New Jersey, Providence, and Boston this week with NO agenda and NO reservations – going wherever the breeze, or the “T” takes him). That doesn’t mean that at 5:45 I won’t be panicking that there’s nothing in the house to cook (stress level – UP) or that tomorrow I have to wash 1900 feet of white tile floors at the mansion (at least they USED to be white).
Today is for YOU
So much so, that they’ve created a national holiday. You wouldn’t miss Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July would you?
In honor of National Relaxation Day I’m planning our next vacation.
The very essence of a vacation is to relax, leaving all of your daily stresses behind. At Princess Cruises, they know that a cruise is the ultimate way to unwind. Imagine exploring the world from a beautiful ship – cruising the world’s oceans, visiting amazing destinations and enjoying the many relaxing things to do onboard, whether it’s visiting the spa or finding a quiet place on board to read a book.
I know, because Mr. S and I have cruised on the Caribbean Princess three times. It’s his FAVORITE ship (something about the golf simulator and pros they have on board). He’s a creature of habit, and once he learns the layout of a ship he’d rather just go on it when they change the routes, as we don’t waste a day of our vacation trying to figure out how to get to dinner.
In honor of National Relaxation Day, Aug. 15, Princess Cruises asked 1,000 adults across the U.S. about their own personal vacation relaxation styles.
Here’s what they found:
Silence or Sensory Delight? – More than a third of respondents consider themselves as “sensory relaxers,” who like to recharge by soaking up the sights and sounds of events and activities around them, such as sporting events, movies or beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Whereas, another third of respondents consider themselves as “silent relaxers,” who prefer quiet spaces, ceased conversations, and losing themselves in books or the soothing sounds of nature.
Tried and True or New? – More than half (64%) of respondents prefer somewhere new when choosing a relaxing vacation, compared to only a third (36%) who prefer a tried and true destination.
Relaxation Setting? – The most popular type of scenery found to be most relaxing when on vacation is ocean and waves (59%). Mountain scenery came in second (20%), followed by sunrises and sunsets (17%).
Play it by Ear? – Respondents were evenly split when asked if pre-planning every vacation activity (52%) or being completely spontaneous (48%) produced a more relaxing experience when planning a vacation.
To Cook or Clean? – More than two-thirds (67%) of respondents agreed that having someone else cook for them was the most relaxing way to enjoy a meal on vacation.
And just look off the back of the ship. See…you don’t need to do ANYTHING to relax when you’re on a cruise. You can simply…
Both Princess Cruises and I want to know what it is that YOU do to relax.
I’ll be choosing ONE person at random to win a Princess Cruises Relaxation Pack, chock full of relaxation-inducing goodies, including: embroidered bath robe, bath slippers, body wash, body lotion, sugar scrub, candle and more!
Jerrilynn Atherton says
My favorite way to relax is with a fully loaded Kindle, a steaming mug of peppermint tea, a soft blanket, and soft music from the stereo. Oh…and have to include cuddling with the dog while I read!
Suzanne Bastien says
If at home: Catching up on shows and not leaving my zen master bedroom.
If away: Walking. Seeing quaint stores, visiting with the locals, Sitting on a hill and seeing what “their” sunsets look like.
Sue Brandes says
I love to relax with a good book or movie on my comfy chair. And of course I need a good cup of coffee and some cookies. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Leslie Kline says
My favorite way to relax/distress is to listen to one of my playlists on my iPod, sitting in my big, yellow chair.
Marjorie C says
I love to relax by sitting poolside with a fruity drink and a book!
Would love to win this prize!
Nancy Reid says
When I want to relax I practice yoga. I’ve been doing yoga for many years and find it to be a big stress reducer. A period of meditation after some asanas is very restorative! Namaste ~
Lee Reyes-Fournier says
I meditate twice a day- in the morning before coffee and in the evening before I go to sleep. It keeps me on an even keel and I am guaranteed 20 minutes of empty mindedness every day.
Donna Lines says
Take me with you Zippy 😉 I promise to be good ma!!!
dee smith says
I like to relax by reading a good book.
kathy boyd says
I love to relax in front of the tv after getting my housework done (boring I know). Would LOVE to win my first cruise!!!
Sarah R says
I relax by taking a shower and vegging out on the couch with some good movies. Everyone can use a lazy day to relax. I use to get more of these, but having a toddler and being in school doesn’t leave much room for that. Sometimes I even through in an adult beverage or 2!
Sandy Long says
I honestly have no idea how to relax; in fact last night I was in the ER for a stress/tension headache that just wouldn’t give up. The closest I can come to relaxing is either by sewing or by reading a Kindle book. I’d love to be chosen for the relaxation cruise, so I could be far, far away from “reality”…LOL!! Congratulations to whoever is chosen 🙂
dee smith says
I like to drink a (few) glasses of beer to relax on vacation.
jayme osborne says
I like to relax by playing bingo on my kindle or laptop:)
Martha Clements says
I relax at home by going to my room and listening to Marvin Gay or Luther Vandrosse and reading a good book. When away from home I like to sit by a pool and read a good book and tune everything else out.
chickie brewer says
I relax by visiting the library.
Wendi says
I relax with my door closed pillows blankets my kitty Enzo and a great love story or a good western movie with no interruptions!
Karen says
I love to relax by sitting by the ocean in a chair, listening to the waves and reading a good book. After that I love to watch the sunset over the ocean!! Thanks for having this give away!
Daniel Cashin says
The best way I find to be relaxing is grabbing a big frozen drink!! Laying poolside and listening to the ocean waves and breathing in the ocean air,with my beautiful wife by my side,while forgetting all the stresses of everyday life in the rat race of life!!!
George Roberson says
Sit back on my verandah, fully charged NookBook, cold mug of beer, plate of cheeses and crackers, watch the waves wash away the stress.
mindy cole says
Hot bath without my kids around so that its peaceful
JB Glatfelter says
We love to watch the flying fish off the back of the ship while we are at sea.
David Officer says
My favorite way to relax is to watch my favorite shows on Netflix with my wife after the five kids have fallen asleep. This ritual works best with a glass of Irish Cream.
Linda Works says
I myself love to soak in bubblebath while listening to my favorite tunes..
amber moody says
There’s a few things I do to relax, it just depends on my mood and what kind of day it’s been. Sometimes it’s listening to music or getting lost in a good story, weather it be on paper, or on the silver screen, or it could be a long soak in a warm bubble bath with a good cup of coffee or tea. When my love feels up to giving me a massage, it’s super relaxing. I don’t live near any large bodies of water, but I love the beach, the wind, the water, the smells, it very calming.
Gary Narberes says
I love to grab a cup of coffee and curl up on the couch and catch the morning sounds around me…birds chirping, kids laughing watching people as they walk by.
machelle cotton says
The best way for me to relax is to cuddle up in a soft pair of jammies and to veggie out in front of the tv with lots of chocloate.
Rhonda Bowman says
Relax? It’s hard to find the time or funds to do that in this crazy, hectic world we live in but when I do manage to grab a few moments it’s in the tub with headphones and my favorite playlist or sneaking to the sunroom for thirty minutes of a steamy novel and a cup of coffee! 🙂
anika brown says
i think the best way to relax is in a bubble bath with candles lit and rose peddles everywhere even in the bath with some nice soft music playing.
Karen Lewis says
I like to unwind in a hot bath with a good book.
Chris Godin says
Would love to win HHS cruise
Working in my flower garden really relaxes me. It is the best way for me to unwind.
Geraldine Zwerling says
Give ma a cup of tea and my iPad and I am in complete heaven to relax.
Stephanie Reissner says
A cup of coffee on my recently covered patio with a good book.
Dawn Walker says
Deep stretch yoga!
Sue Halady says
My favorite way to relax is a cruise. All I need is a fully loaded NOOK, sunscreen and a lounge on the deck near the pool. I am going on my 13th cruise in 4 weeks ( 7of the cruises were on Princess). And I always have at least 2 massages during the cruise. HEAVEN!
Shannon S. says
I pour myself hot coco and sit in my sun room and watch the sun go down, works every time
Shannon S. says
tweeted https://twitter.com/ShannonAnne23/status/368207804709888000
A.Marie Lopez says
I seem to relax when everyday I pick up my 7 yr old from school ( camp right now ) and go to the park with her. I watch her having so much fun that takes me back when I was a youngster and how I enjoyed it myself. Good Luck to all!
Dawn White says
My way to relax is we are getting ready to go on a Princess cruise, that is where I will relax.
jeri boss says
get a massage
Lisa Stormes says
Usually a get away to the water somewhere, with no worries for a few days.
AB says
The above picture was relaxing to look at, I would love to actually be there!
marlene g. says
sitting in my back yard enjoying the fresh air. just reading or sun bathing
anna says
Hugging my dogs and taking them for walks at dusk. I also like a nice hot bubble bath with a big glass of Malbec wine. 🙂
anna says
Tweet, tweet – https://twitter.com/BlondeTexan71/status/368330500747706368. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing relaxtion basket. 🙂
debby balko says
getting the family off and trying to do nothing.soaking in anything thatsmells like lavander
Ana says
Go to a wonderful cruise for five days- no ipad, no phones but just relax and soak up the sun. This is the best way to relax and recharge for a hectic life.
Jackie says
I like to make a cup of coffee, put on my pjs and sit on the couch with a good book!
Thank you!
paul gorecki says
A great way to relax is to get a full body massage. A couples massage is a very wonderful way to relax with your significant other…I did that recently on a Princess Cruise and it was amazing!
Dana Rodriguez says
I love taking a nice warm bath with a glass of wine then putting on something comfy and reading a book!
Dana Rodriguez says
Lynn Matthews says
like to turn on my artificial rain machine and listen to the “rain” and curl up with a good book.
Lynn Matthews says
susan hartman says
I love taking a good book onto my front porch. Can’t forget my glass of wine. Now sit &relax!
Debbie Warren says
I LOVE to relax with my soft blanket watching movies on the Lifetime Movie Network what GREAT! movies I am not a drinker so I have a glass of ice tea or a mug of hot tea!and some thing to snack on like a big slice of Chocolate Cake
ann lee says
I have a number of ways to relax: after raising five kids, I really had to learn some ways to keep my sanity. 1) I love to read. Books can take you to places and times you would never otherwise experience. 2) I have learned to love making art, and now consider myself a mixed-media artist. And if all else fails, there is always a bath soaking in anything made from lavender!
Kathy U says
I relax with a good book and a hot coco.I make time to read everyday because it expands the mind and helps me to relax
I do several things to relax. I either go for a pedicure or I sit on my float in the pool & read a magazine!
Jeri Accardo says
melissa Resnick says
i have a cup of joe and sit outside early in the morning
emina cenanovic says
listen to meditation tapes…
Sharon Kaminski says
relax each evening in our hot tub with relaxation music
Gary Goaziou says
I relax by going out and doing something new or something my wife and I enjoy. Concerts, Zoo, Disneyland, traveling and seeing things I have never seen before.
Julie B. says
What I do to relax is take a long soothing bubble bath, along with a glass of wine by my side. 🙂 What I would like to do to relax is to take a much-needed vacation to France, my dream destination.
Youngjoo says
I love to relax by having a mini spa day with my friends. 🙂 We do DYI facials, pore strips, and it feels really nice! When I’m alone, I like to take a nice bubble bath in warm water. <3
Tiffany W says
I like to go camping to relax.
teresa says
My favorite relaxation mode is to run some steamy water in the bathtub with added bathsalts, light 10-12 candles stress related aromas, turn on some soft listening music and soak for about 30 minutes.
Heather Freeman says
I relax with a book. A real book, not some eReader, they just aren’t the same.
Mary Cloud says
Kick back in a nice hot bubble bath
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Robert says
I like to relax by grilling in the backyard. Nice and quiet, just me, the birds, and my grill.
Lauren C. says
I would LOVE to relax on the top deck of a cruise ship with a book. I think the fresh air & sunshine would be fantastic!!
Christina says
Love to curl up with a cup of hot tea on the sofa and watch a good movie.
Larry says
I like to take my dogs for a long walk. The fresh air and walk makes me feel one with nature.
Ginny Murray says
Relaxing is heavnly and much needed. I get a tall glass of ice tea and sit out back in shade and listen to nature. Reading a great book and thinking of sure pleasure is wonderful. A wonderful basket full of great items would be exciting.
S. Gracie says
My favorite way to relax is vacationing anywhere tropical on or near the beach with all gourmet cooked meals, the hot tub and sleeping in as long as I want. But since we all cant go on vacation very often, when at home I love to sleep in when I rains and watch a movie and cuddle.
Carolyn Berg says
My favorite way to relax is a walk on the beach. I love to listen to waves as they rise and fall.
paulette schneider says
Nothing make more relaxed than a good .long run early in the morning
Roberta says
A favorite way to relax: lounge chair, good book, cup of coffee
Sharon C says
I started going to Gong Meditation. I realized how much I needed to relax after I learned I was FULLY relaxed after the gong!
dale bartlett says
a hot bath, a good book & a nice drink
Sandy Long says
Today, my way of relaxing is crossing off items from my To Do List! I know this may sound crazy, but at the end of the day, I can look back and see what I have accomplished for the day!
Sarah says
At home, I enjoy watching Food Network to relax.
On vacation, I like to get into nature to relax!
Deb says
I love photography so heading outside on vacation or at home to take pictures is my way of relaxing.
Jen A. says
Wine, chocolate, Pandora playing BeeGee’s <3
Jen A. says
Jen A. says
Morning relaxation, coffee, cinnamon roll, and scrolling through Instagram photos
Kelly Haggard says
Mentally unplugging is my relaxation. This can be laying by the pool, hiking, laying by the beach with a good book, a dinner at an escape location. This comment also makes me realize I need a relaxing vacation!
gen says
i love to watch a good mystery while the rest of the house is asleep
Shannon S. says
I would love to relax with a good book, hardly have time to read now.
Veronica says
The basket looks fabulous. Figured I get one if I ever went on a cruise unfortunately my husband passed away the year I finally convinced him. Best of luck to everyone else too.
Tonya S says
My favorite way to relax is in evening, cozying up comfortable in the big hammock by the river at our family cabin way out in the boonies, while enjoying a good cup of tea, reading a good book and watching & listening to all the beautiful and wonderful nature around me until dark.
Melissa says
Relaxation, to me, means not having to worry about the details .. allowing the Universe to take care of everything as it should and simply allowing myself to “BE” …Of course, this is easier to do when I’ve got a nice glass of Pinot and a nice evening breeze to keep me company too 🙂
Cynthia Knisley says
I relax by finding contests on twitter and facebook.
Lisa White says
My favorite way to relax and unwind is to plop myself in my plush, comfy recliner in front of my TV and paint my nails. Nothing like a little indulgence and pampering to relax away the day’s stress.
Lisa White says
I like to unwind in the hot tub with my family. It’s a great way to relax and have fun together.
Lisa White says
Playing board games with my family is a wonderful way to unwind, relax, have fun and bond with the family. By the end of the game(s) everybody is usually very calm and ready for bed.
Melissa Zimmerman says
A nice cup of tea
Randi says
Best way to relax is to totally tune out and tune into only relaxing thoughts!
pam kirk says
The way I relax is a warm bubble bath, soft music and a good book.
Kelly D says
My best relaxation tip is to get away from other people, and enjoy a favorite beverage or snack.
Jennifer H. says
A bubble bath is my go to way to relax.
Jennifer H. says
I work with kids and developed a way to help them learn deep breathing. Sounds crazy, but gets read of tension headaches. Get out bubbles and blow as big a bubble as possible (breath is fully to your belly slowly and as much as you can, then breath out very slowly and evenly until all the air is gone). Works like a charm!
Jennifer H. says
I call my best friend. She always makes me laugh, even about the things that I am most stressed about.
Jennifer H. says
I listen to music that I know will cheer me up. For me, it’s Jimmy Buffett.
Jennifer H. says
I lose myself in a good book.
Jennifer H. says
I snuggle with my big, goofy Golden Retriever.
Jennifer H. says
I have to admit, a good glass of wine is a great way to chill out after a long, crazy day.
Jennifer H. says
Retail therapy never hurts! Getting a great bargain always helps me feel better.
Henrietta J says
I love to watch my soaps and chillers on tv, with a big bowl of popcorn and tall cold glass of green tea.
Angelica Morris says
I like to soak in a bubble bath with candles burning and a nice glass of wine.
Jennifer Bay says
I take a long hot shower and have me a huge cup of coffee, with a business to run and a small baby to raise, that is all the relaxation I can get right now 🙂
Emmy says
Bubble bath, hot tea, candles, good book<3!!! THANK YOU:)!!!
Joshua Lanham says
Reading and sipping on some freshly brewed tea is a great way to relax!
Casey Miller says
Listening to the ocean and enjoying some alcohol.
Casey Miller says
A warm latte and a good book!
Casey Miller says
Some music from your youth while you daydream.
Casey Miller says
Cucumber water to drink and a long hot bath!
Devin k says
I make time for me by taking an hour to tan, get a coffee, lay down and read magazines or just nap.
Rhonda says
I have to tell you about what I would like to do….if only I could.
Water…the ocean…seagulls…..seashells…..the sound of high tide splashing against the rocks….while I simply lay quietly feeling nothing but peace, as the universe gives back all the strength I have lost in the last few years.
Paradise found….
Shelia says
Relaxing has always been my goal in life. I start a really warm bath with lots of fresh mint tied into a washcloth. While the water runs, I brew myself a cup of peppermint tea and fix a plate of sliced fruit. Next I close the door, step into the tub and let my mind go to the sound of the rain machine while I seep my tea and nibble my fruit. Nothing could be more perfect.
tracey byram says
I soak in a hot bath with scented bath oil and soft music to relax.
Tamar says
Shut your mind off with a taste of your favorite music (and really good headphones/earphones with excellent sound quality will make that go even further).
Carolyne knolle says
I come home from work and take a hot shower,letting all the weight of the day go down the drain. I put some Jammie’s on and go through my gratitude list. I breath deeply and experience contentness. It’s a routine I try and keep to keep myself relaxed and centered.
Tammy Messer says
One thing that hinders a vacation is that there is still a thought that crosses MY mind ,our finances, it seems as though, no matter how prepared we think we will be, financially, before, during and after a vacation, so, I think, as long as we can pay all the bills for 3 months, before our journey, will help with those thoughts!
Dina says
My ideal way to relax is with a margarita on the rocks while swinging in a hammock. listening to some great music.
The way I actually relax in the real world is up in bed early morning before everyone starts moving: me, ice coffee, the morning sun and a nice scroll through my social accounts (Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) 🙂
VictoriaG says
My daily routine is to walk our rescue early in the morning. Come back, read, put away the dishes and then begin to help my husband get ready for work. I pack his lunch, feed our rescues and then think of my daily routine, like drinking coffee.
The day of relaxation for me would be to get a massage, hair and nails done then off to some great R & R with my husband. I travel with our rescues as well. We spend time with them, then off to spend the day at a Disney park (or something like it). Love the beach as well.
Jeri Accardo says
One of my favorite ways to relax is to, do a really great chakra healing meditation!
Vera Brasher says
We haven’t had a vacation in a very, very long time. Would love to win so hubby and I could get away for a few days.
I never have time to read anymore so this is what I would do on my dream day. Curl up on a lounge chair at the pool with a great book, some frozen concoction drink and a big floppy hat. A trip to the spa would be next, for a relaxing massage and facial and then back to the cabin to dress for dinner. Have a nice meal and then a stroll around the deck and back to the room for a romantic night cap on the balcony. Sigh….
Sally Reed says
Relaxation, a massage, a good book and music with my feet up and no phone calls! Heaven.
jennifer garrido says
I relax by watching one of my favorite shows or sipping a cold glass of wine!
Staci Stauffer says
I often vision what relaxation would be like in my dreams first I’d kick everyone out disconnect the phones put music n headphones on soak in a bath full of Calvin take me away and I’d lock myself in thee until I pruned up real bad
Steve Capell says
My favorite way to relax is 90 minute massage and then read from a novel.
Tara Huffman says
I lead a stressful life. The best way I have found to totally unwind is to run a bubble bath which I sprinkle with a little glitter and lavender buds. I then put in a little blue food dye and a few of my favorite rubber duck. I put a warm wet washcloth on my forehead and soak away the tenseness.. Think about it, sitting in that concoction, your mind can be nowhere else but in the moment. To have the prizes would make it a 100% home spa. The candle would create the ambiance. To add the sugar scrub and body would be exotic. After I would lightly massage any leftover tense areas with the body lotion, Relaxing the evening away in the luxuriant robe and slippers by the fireplace. Cuddling with the kittens.
carol west says
follow these 5 steps 1. send the kids and hubbie off on errands (this also clears my todo list) 2. ,grab a box of tissues,soft blanket,snack and drink (preferably cheese and ctackers with glass or bottle of wine 3. find a good tear jerker on the big tv . ( the only way to do this is to follow step 1) 4.sob uncontrollably off and on until exhausted 5. sleep like a baby
randi nichols says
Hi i would love to be able to get away from reality for a little bit to relax with my husband we have been through alot the past 2 or 3 years things have calmed down a little but not all the way he works all the time i stay home with our two kids but once again we would love to be the lucky ones to get away for once and spend time with each other thank you!
evans s says
I relax by sitting out in my garden watching the birds and butterflies
virgomomwriter says
Hot bath + cold drink + good book = relaxation
Monique Rizzo says
Lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book and a bubble bath.
Thanks for the chance.
Linda says
My favorite way to relax? A bubble bath. Nothing like a good soak to loosen up my muscles.
Susie says
My favorite way to relax, if I’m not on a cruise, is a massage and a strawberry daiquiri. On a cruise ship, every second is relaxation to me!
Yvette Cuevas-Dent says
I relax by filling the tub,turning down the lights, lighting some candles, sipping some wine while listening to some jazz and reading my Kindle. Me time is rare in my home being a single parent without a circle of support.
Tina wright says
My Favorite way to Relax is a Hot Bubble Bath,and a Good Book! both bathroom doors locked and a Do Not Disturb Sign out!!
Lisa Vaskp says
my favorite way to relax on vacation is to grab my sketchbook, pencils, music, and a bottle of wine….find a quiet spot, and create! no stress, just infinite possibilities!
robyn paris says
oddly I find driving long trips on my own very relaxing
james bell says
a few friends, a few beers and a poker deck
eleanor greenly says
put on golden girls and i j forget about everything but the show…
Stephanie Larison says
I relax in the bubble bath with a book. Lock the door, lol you’ll still see little fingers trying to creep in.
drmrs says
No doubt about it, the best way to relax is on a cruise! You forget all your troubles while being spoiled by others. Whatever you want–good food and beverage, clean room, spa treatment, water sports, gambling, meeting new people, adventure touring, or just being lazy can be yours. If I die and go to heaven, then I pray it will be on a big cruise ship! drmrs 8/21/2013 P.S.- Of course good weather and a peaceful itinerary does matter.
Christine says
by reading a good book.
Jeri Accardo says
spending great time with all the girls at a spa!
Tammy Hughes says
Love to sit by the pool and relax and put in the headphones and jam to my fav. music.
Susan Chester says
A heating pad on low and a cup of tea helps me relax.
Susan Chester says
Oops, forgot my email address. Another way to relax is to do a bit of stretching before bed.
smchester at gmail dot com
Tara s. says
I enjoy a pedicure to relax
Merry says
A cup of tea and a good book is one of my favorite ways to relax.
dancingcelt at gmail dot com
Betty says
I like a rainy day where you can put your feet up in a quiet house and read a book. The rainy day qualifies to put off nonessential trips and chores so there is no residual guilt nagging you to get something done. We live in a time of ‘multi=tasking’ and it is hard to let up on the pressure. I had a friend who did go on a cruise and found herself frantically scheduling her time to max the various activities on offer. It’s not always where you are or even who you are with – it is owning the right to relax
Betty says
I relax in the warm weather season by swimming in the pool. excellent exercise while being cool and comfortable in the styfling summer heat. This year our weather was off the charts.
Betty says
Meaghan says
My absolute favorite way to relax is to put on some comfy workout clothes and go hula hoop while listening to music and just enjoying being outside.
Sue Dorsett says
My favorite way to relax is to settle into my reclined with a new historical romance paperback book with a cup of hazelnut coffee and my springer spaniel Meggie lying beside me. Pure bliss.
I turn on my stereo to some good country music, have a glass of wine and soak my feet in warm water
deana c says
My best relaxation tip is a good book, a glass of wine and a nice hot bubble bath!
Barb Myers says
love to win
Gloria S says
My best tip is to relax in the hot tub
Merry says
Yoga is another great way to relax. I don’t always wake up early enough, but when I do it’s a nice relaxing start to the day.
dancingcelt at gmail dot com
Amber Galik says
I relax with wine and a bubble bath
denise shepard says
We like to leave our state find a nice hotel ad lay buy the pool a beach both is better. and after that take a long bath with sented candles then wrap up in my robe ad sleep
Diane baum says
My best relaxation tip is to take a very hot bubble bath
Jeri Accardo says
We live in the country, and owls are one of my favorite animals, we have several pairs of adult mating great horned owls that are out day and night, so sitting on the back porch and listening to the owls is VERY relaxing. It re-connects you with the earth and nature.
Jennifer Buckner says
My favorite way to relax is by taking a cruise. Once your car is parked at the port, there are no other worries as all yours meals are cooked for you, your room cleaned for you and almost every day you wake up in another country
Merry says
Gardening is a way I relax. Nothing’s better than sitting on the deck with a cool drink, admiring my flowers.
Denise S says
I like reading in bed to relax.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Robin says
I like to take a bubble bath to relax.
Jennifer Feeley says
Quiet place, water trickling from a fountain, lavender candle burning and reading a good book is very relaxing. Of course, if I could be on a beach or near water that would be better.
Charles V says
Best way to relax is to have peace and quiet
Evelyn Frierson says
To relax I enjoy a great movie and a box of chocolates.
Merry says
Calming music on my ipod makes for a relaxing minibreak when things get super busy.
Merry says
Going to the dog park with my puppy is a favorite way to relax.
dancingcelt at gmail dot com
Cheryl Scheckel says
Taking a long walk with the dog… Taking a bubble bath… Crying sometimes helps… Watch a good movie… Shopping… Peace and quiet…
Eileen Burke says
Surround yourself with the scent of lavender to relax, it helps!
Stacy says
I love to relax with a cup of tea. Any loose tea will do. My favorite is jasmine, brewed from pearls.
Debra F says
My favorite way of relaxing is to sit down and crochet.
Debra F says
Followed both and tweeted.
Zoey Smith says
I love to relax by watching a good movie with my honey!
Zoey Smith says
tweeted here: https://twitter.com/zwriter/status/372535539422879745
Zoey Smith says
follow @PrincessCruises and @zipporahs (@zwriter)
Zoey Smith says
I love to soak in my jacuzzi tub it is very relaxing.
Zoey Smith says
I would love to go on a cruise to relax.
Jill Myrick says
My favorite way to relax is to turn on soft music, light some candles, pour a glass of wine and take a long, hot scented bubble bath.
Debra F says
Sometimes I relax just by taking a 30 min. nap!
marcedes Matheney says
( Boosbabygirl2003@hotmail.com ) hello ,im marcedes …my tip for the ultimate relaxing vacation would be to leave all electronics at home and once you’ve arrived tell your self this is my time to create and enjoy a glimpse of Paradise on earth and that you are worthy and deserving. To be a princess with all the royal treatments. .
Janet F says
I like to take long walks to relax.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Janet F says
I follow @PrincessCruises and @zipporahs on Twitter – Janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Janet F says
I also do Jigsaw Puzzles for relaxation.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Merry says
I relax with yoga.
dancingcelt at gmail dot com
Janet F says
I like to relax by reading a book and drinking a cup of hot tea.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
jules m. says
candle lit bubblebath, some sleepytime tea… and NO TECHNOLOGY!
jules m. says
candlelit bubblebath, sleepytime tea, and NO TECHNOLOGY!
Krystal Quagliara says
To relax, I dance! I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but I find that dancing frees my mind and helps me to take my focus off of all the things that are stressing me out. I especially like to Bellydance! I have been bellydancing for almost a decade and I teach this great relaxation method to other women as well. Life got you down? Kick your shoes off, turn on some great tunes, and cut a rug!
Jazmine says
The favorite way to relax is sitting next to a pool or beach with a exotic drink. I also love to relax with my book nook on my back swing. I love cuddleing with my dog Sweet Gypsy Rosalie. I haven’t been able to do much of it though because I have a bone disease. In May the doctor had to do a complete hip replacement and a reconstruction because ate my bone away. I would love to relax anywhere once the second hip is done and my two knees.
Nancy Sloan says
soaking in a tub or whirlpool and sipping on something warm
Katie K says
take time for yourself every day, even if it’s only something small like having a nice cup of tea
Linda W. says
I wish i could relax= always on the go and my mind races when i try to go to sleep. Too many things going on and on my mind.
Linda W. says
Forgot email address- walk9@att.net
Laurie Emerson says
My best relaxation tip is to enjoy all the sweetness in life like getting up early to see a sunset, turn off everything open a window and listen to the soothing sounds of crickets outside. Each day I find something which reminds me to stop worrying, relax and just enjoy the beautiful of life.
Tracy F says
My favorite way to relax is to be on a beach, listening to music and reading a book!
Brittney House says
I like taking a nice hot bath to relax.
Mihaela D. says
I love to relax with a good book
Roxann says
The best way I like to relax is by listening to songs that I really like.
Merry says
I relax by taking a power nap.
Kathryn Cort says
I relax by taking a few mins to sit outside and breathe fresh air
Kathryn C says
during the warmer weather months, lazying around in a hammock is a good way for me to relax
Kathryn C says
a glass of wine!
Kathryn C says
a cup of tea and a magazine to read
Nicole C. says
My relaxation tip in just getting into bed with a good book.
Paula Tavernie says
I relax by taking a long hot bubble bath!!!
Deb S says
I love to relax by sitting out by the ocean watching the waves.
Roxann says
For me, looking at Pinterest can be relaxing. I have found many recipes that I want to try!
susan smoaks says
Oddly enough i exercise to relax. after a good workout i always feel more relaxed and calm.
Kathryn C says
scented candles
Kathryn C says
a rainstorm at night is conducive to relaxation
Lisa Neutel says
I love taking along hot bubble bath with a candle and soft music..a glass of wine is nice too
Breanne says
I like to read.
Francine Anchondo says
I like to take a bubble bath
Beverly Metcalf says
I like to relax in my favorite recliner with a good book and a cup of coffee. Thanks for this contest.
Sand says
Exercise or a good shower relax me so much!
Trisha McKee says
Relaxation can be as simple as finding something to do that you enjoy, taking pleasure in the activity and allowing yourself time to indulge in that activity, in time for yourself.
Brian E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…swim laps for 45 minutes, then jump in the hot tub to relax for an hour…or more.
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I can’t travel much because we’re caregivers but I do use the machine to screen calls and I lock,the gate onto our property.
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