This post is a result of my ambassador-collaboration with Perdue Farms. As you know, I only accept ambassador programs with brands that I already champion. I have been eating Perdue chicken since childhood.

everywhere a cluck-cluck
Old MacDonald had a farm
But, I bet you a cluck-cluck here and a cluck-cluck there that it wasn’t a Perdue Farm. While my childhood may have been filled with animals singing in the farmyard, the chicken that we ate was ALWAYS Perdue chicken. My mother wouldn’t have had it any other way. She may be gone, but traditions live on, and yes mom…you were (almost) always right.
Why I have ALWAYS chosen Perdue Farms
I don’t have too many “things” when it comes to food products, with the exception of chicken. If there’s one thing that I hate is opening a package where the parts are not trimmed (I generally buy breasts) or slimy (which is just GROSS). Over the years I have tossed a lot of chicken before I even cooked it into the trash…but, NEVER on any occasion have I EVER had to trash a Perdue chicken or chicken parts. I learned (albeit the hard way) that if I want good, fresh, CONSISTENT chicken that is ALWAYS delicious, I had to search out Perdue.

Suited up to go into a chicken house – no germs allowed.
What I didn’t know about Perdue Farms
There is a METHOD behind raising chickens that makes the chicken in my soup always flavorful and it’s something that this child of the 60’s LOVES. Whether they be organic or regular variety…
- Perdue raises 98% of its animals with small family farmers across the United States. I got to visit some of them in the Salsbury, MD area and was IMPRESSED!
- I had no clue that Perdue Farms is the largest producer of organic chicken in the US. Did you?
- That fast food nugget or chicken sandwich just might come from Perdue Farms!
- They treat their chickens well, giving them an all-vegetarian diet
- The chicken houses that we visited had windows for light and doors so that the chickens could roam free…they plan on having the free-range doors rolled out to all of their chicken farmers next year (windows are currently required in ALL of the houses)
- They are antibiotic FREE!
- Like other natural and organic food suppliers, such as Go Raw Honey, Perdue’s passion shines through. They really CARE about their chickens! We saw climbing and hiding toys in the houses and animal welfare is important to them.

They let me in the kitchen in the Innovation Center. CHICKEN NACHOS!
- Innovation is important to Perdue Farms. They challenge their farmers to come up with ideas and have an entire Innovation Center devoted to coming up with new products.
- They care about their farmers. I had the opportunity to chat with a few of the family farmers over dinner and ran into a few on my travels throughout the county and they all sang Perdue’s praises.
- Perdue Farms is more than just Perdue Chicken and has spent the last 10 years pursuing organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed and other premium attributes
- They also own some of my favorite organic beef and pork companies – like Niman Ranch and Coleman Naturals.
- Clem was happy to hear that they also offer delicious pet food and treats from Spot Farms and Full Moon Pets.
- We went on a Thank a farmer, know where your food comes from, Farm Tours. You can also go visit one of the Perdue Farms by asking!
Clem is stalking his Spot Farms treats.
I could go on and on
But, since I’m a Perdue Farms Ambassador you’ll be hearing me sing their praises over and over again. Follow along as I’ll be telling you about great new products and innovations from Perdue Farms!

Do you recognize these two? Yup it’s Chris & Jim Perdue!
For more information about Perdue Farms
- Visit
- Did you see Chris Perdue filled in for me as co-host of The Compass Girls? << Click the link & watch Rachel and Chris chat about Perdue Farms!