I’m a sponsored Meta Influencer, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

This could have been avoided.
2016 was a tough year for us. Mr. S was rushed to the hospital with a bloody nose only to learn that he had heart failure. To say this was a wake-up call for BOTH of us is an understatement. After all the testing and meds were doled out, we sat down with a nutritionist. His doctors made it clear that LIFESTYLE CHANGES were the most important piece to getting his health back on track. When I sat down and looked at our current diet and what the nutritionist had taught us, I knew that it wasn’t just Mr. S that needed to change his ways; I had become lazy about living a healthier lifestyle.
February is my birthday month (I’ll be 63) and is also Heart Health Month. It’s a great time to make changes in YOUR lifestyle (sort of like healthy New Year’s Resolutions in February). Here’s what Mr. S and I have done.
The changes that we have made
Reduced our sodium/salt intake
While I don’t add salt to my diet, I looked at the prepared foods that I was eating and was SHOCKED. I now try to keep our sodium intake under 2500 mg per day (Mr. S has to keep his under 2,000 per doctor’s orders).
Mr. S works with a personal trainer Monday thru Friday. I go and do my cardio at the same time he’s working out. Going TOGETHER as a team keeps us both stay on track to make sure that we’re doing heart healthy exercise.
Drink more water & less soda
Clear, clean water is what our bodies need and I learned that the diet soda I was drinking had loads of SODIUM in it (see above). Plus, the ingredient list reads like a chemical chart….THAT can’t be good for me.
Eat good fresh food
As you know, I was the queen of going out to dinner or take-out. I’ve started cooking (don’t panic, there haven’t been TOO many kitchen disasters). This way I can control the amount of good fresh vegetables, lean protein, and reduce those fried foods and heavy desserts.
Increase Fiber In-Take
By adding daily, I can be sure that I’m getting enough fiber in my diet. It turns out that a diet high in psyllium fiber, like the ingredient Metamucil provides, is an easy way to help lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease†.
Learn more
February is Heart Month, which is a GREAT time to learn how to make lifestyle changes including adding more fiber to your daily routine. Meta teamed up with POPSUGAR and Registered Dietitian, Jessica Levinson to create this hilarious Snacker ID Quiz. Check out my last post to find out what kind of snacker I am! Once you’ve completed the quiz there are great tips on how to avoid those snacking habits.
Start NOW
Download a $2.00 off coupon and start TODAY. It’s the perfect way to celebrate my birthday Heart Health Month.It’s the perfect way to celebrate my birthday Heart Health Month.
†Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 7 grams of soluble fiber per day from psyllium husk, as in Metamucil, Meta Daily Heart Health and Meta Health Bars, may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol. One serving of Metamucil Powder has 2.4 grams of this soluble fiber. One serving of Meta Daily Heart Health (powder) has 3.6g of this soluble fiber. One serving of Meta Daily Heart Health capsules has 1.8g of this soluble fiber. One Meta Health Bar and one serving of Metamucil Fiber capsules have at least 1.8 grams of this soluble fiber. Consult a doctor if you are considering use of this product as part of a cholesterol-lowering program.
Meta partnered with bloggers, such as me, to get the word out about its great product benefits. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Meta believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Meta’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
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