It isn’t impossible to achieve beautiful skin, but it takes a little effort. You may have to change up your beauty routine to give your skin what it wants, but it will pay off with a regular and effective beauty regimen.
Clean Your Face
One of the best ways to achieve nice, clear skin is simply washing your face every day. Dirt is your skin’s enemy, so you want to minimize how long it stays on your face. Even if your face doesn’t look dirty doesn’t mean that it isn’t covered in pollutants and other unwanted particles of dirt that can lead to irritated skin and breakouts. If you have oily skin prone to developing acne, you will want to look for a cleanser containing salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide. Just look for these ingredients on the label.
More mature skin tends to dry out more quickly, so you will want to use a cleanser that contains a nourishing glycolic or milk cleanser. For blotchy skin, you will want to use a brightening wash that contains alpha hydroxy acid and cleanses the skin as it even out your complexion.
Use Alpha Hydroxy Acid
Alpha hydroxy acids are very beneficial to the health of your skin. So if you want to score great skin, incorporate an AHA skincare regimen into your beauty routine. Alpha hydroxy acids reduce breakouts by sluffing dead skin cells from accumulating in your pores with exfoliation. Some alpha hydroxy acids even have antimicrobial qualities that help prevent acne by eliminating bacteria from your skin.
Don’t Overload Your Skin
While wearing makeup is fine, you don’t want to overdo it with products, though. Choose a couple of favorites to become a part of your daily routine and skip the rest. Too much product use will cause clogged pores, which can lead to breakouts. Stick to a good cleanser and a moisturizer and preferably one that only contains natural ingredients rather than a bunch of chemicals.
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
You never want your skin to dry out. Dry skin leads to angry skin and premature wrinkles. For optimal results, you should always moisturize right after you bathe and before you go to bed. Choose a gentle moisturizer free of fragrances to avoid any irritation. That way, most of it will get effectively absorbed.
Get Hydrated
There are many benefits to drinking enough water, and one of them is that you will have great skin. It is recommended to get at least eight glasses a day to stay properly hydrated. Our bodies are made of as much as 50% to 60% water, and a lack of water affects the body negatively in many ways. You will likely feel sluggish, and your skin will be less radiant and youthful-looking.
Enjoy the Sunlight But Stay Out of the Heat
The sun gives us vitamin D, an essential vitamin that we need, but UV rays from the sun can also be harsh on the skin. Be sure to use sunscreen (even on cloudy days)and even moisturizers that offer at least SPF 30 protection. Too much sun exposure can break down collagen more quickly and can also cause damaging inflammation. Steer clear of other heat sources as well, such as fireplaces and heaters-at least 10 feet to keep your skin from getting damaged. You should also reapply your sunscreen every two hours.