This week I could sure use one. You know those times when everything seems to go wrong? Well, I’ve been having them. First Clem tripped me as I was coming into the house and all of the groceries that I was carrying went flying. Some broke open, some just rolled in. I skinned my knee and hurt my shoulder and hand as I tried bracing myself on the fall. Two days later a tooth broke, then got infected, and I’ve been subsiding on antibiotics and pain killers until the dentist can pull it late next week.
If I were a hashtag, I’d be #HOTMESS
Just proving the point that EVERYONE goes through tough days (or weeks in my case). I’m doing a lot less work (thanks to the Vicodin my doctor gave me), but I AM taking the much needed downtime.
Which is why
It’s the perfect time to pamper myself a little. My first inclination would have been to curl up in a ball and stay in bed, and while I don’t want to scare anyone by going out in public, I am trying to perk up my otherwise ashen gray looking face with a little (re)fresh skin therapy‘s Peptide + Intense eye recovery serum. I’m not an obsessor. I am generally fine with who I am, but I do have a “thing” about the dark circles and bags under my eyes, and while I’ll be turning 62 this coming Friday, inside I still feel 26. It’s just the darn mirror that’s showing me someone else.
Taking the bull by the horns
I’ve started using (re)fresh skin therapy’s Peptide + Intense eye recovery serum every day….twice a day
- Reduces dark circles and puffiness around the eyes
- Strengthens connective tissue around the eye
- Restores important moisture levels
- Soothes and softens the skin
- Is safe and gentle to use around the eyes
This natural product contains no artificial colors, parabans, sulfates, alcohol, or preservatives, so I feel okay using it around my eyes as it is a mix of natural botanical extracts. While the container appears to be a syringe, it is really an airless pump, allowing a longer life to the product (and eliminating any waste).
The research
Studies show after 8 weeks a 42% improvement in skin texture, 35% reduction in dark circles, and a 31% reduction in puffiness around the eyes. As well, tissue samples show a 200% increase in fibroblasts (collagen-producing cells) and significantly improved capillary circulation.
I just need to give it time to regulate the collagen formation and elasticity around my eyes. The result should be rejuvenated skin cells, increased micro-circulation within the delicate blood vessels. In other words – GETTING RID OF THOSE DARK CIRCLES that I hate.

This is what I look like when I’m sick & have no makeup on….still caring for my skin.
Care to join me in a little (re)fresh up?
- Visit them online at:
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