This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Align at Sam’s Club.
I used to have an iron stomach. Nothing, but NOTHING bothered me. I wish I could blame it on age, but the reality is that poor eating habits are the real culprit.
Looks yummy doesn’t it? My head says GO FOR IT, but my tummy says NOOOOO!
A delicate balance
I’m a true believer in having it all. So, finding a balance between chowing down on a mouthful of deliciousness AND keeping my gut happy was my newest task. Between the stress, all of my travel, different foods I eat around the world it’s no wonder that my digestive tract is rebelling.
I decided that each morning should start with a probiotic. Probiotics add the GOOD bacteria that you can add to your system for your gut and overall health. Unfortunately not all probiotics are the same (although I do love my yogurt), so I needed one that specifically addresses my gut problem (bloating and that uncomfortable feeling that turns me into a very unhappy camper). It turns out that Align has the natural probiotic strain B. infantis 35624, a unique probiotic strain* offered by no other product, including store brands!
A week in
Since the effect of a probiotic in cumulative, I figured that I’d give it myself some time using it before letting you know what I think. I pill each morning offers me 24/7 digestive support*†. I’m already beginning to notice less bloating and discomfort.
My routine
I read that as with any supplement, you’re best taking them at the same time each day. For me that means each morning, with a BIG glass of water. It’s a great reminder to drink more water (before I hit “BREW”). By beginning my day with a healthy boost, it sets the tone. Clem gets his walk (and I get my 20 minutes of exercise), and when I come in…more water (it’s HOT out there).
My companion
I’m not talking about Clem here, The Align Companion walks you through each week of simple changes that can be made to support your new healthier gut.
Example: I’m on week 2, and the suggestions include taking a nap (YESSSS), using the stairs for an extra fitness boost and more.
But aren’t probiotics expensive?
I’m going to give you a little inside information. Buy your Align at Sam’s Club in the 3-month pack to give yourself a great start PLUS save up to $100 per year**. With a 3-month supply you’ll be protecting your gut (remember I said that the effects are cumulative) and you’ll develop he habit of taking them.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
**Based on recommended usage of 1 pill a day. Savings based on vendor calculations using proprietary methodology comparing avg. non-promoted $/unit from a combination of leading U.S. retailers vs. avg. $/unit at Sam’s Club 2 months ending 4/8/16.
†Fortifies your digestive system with good bacteria 24/7 with continued daily use.
††Among gastroenterologists who recommend a brand of probiotic in a Symphony Health Solutions 2014 survey.
Look below for the opportunity to WIN a 3-month supply of Align PLUS a $50 Sam’s Club gift card
- Enter to win at: GIVEAWAY
- For more details head to Sam’s Club
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