If you love to travel, love for the sea is a must. Sea voyage refers to cruising by ship. However, you have to take some precautions while traveling by cruise. Many things should not be done when cruising. You can look for Air India Express booking to travel in India, or other flights flying towards your destination.
Many travelers have an unpleasant experience of boarding a ship. So learning from there, you should not do the following things while traveling on a cruise.
Must arrive on time
You must be present at the port on time to board the ship since voyage travel has increased, so cruise lines have a tight schedule literally. That means, if you are late, they won’t wait for you. Then you have to go to the airport and catch a plane to reach the next port, which would be very unfortunate for you. So arrive on time.
Don’t throw anything.
The most important thing you never do on a cruise is not throw anything from the ship into the sea, as water pollution is constantly increasing due to dirty dumping. As a result, aquatic fish, insects, and algae are dying. So it has to be accepted to avoid water pollution.
Don’t go the crew-area
For the safety of the passengers, the crew-only area has been created keeping in mind. So you should not go there as a passenger. The only permission is for the crew member, cruise employees to go there. But if any crew member takes you there, he also is fired from his position, and you will be punished as dropped off at the next port.
Don’t take too many things.
It’s not allowed to take too many things while boarding on the cruise. Don’t take unnecessary accessories like dresses, endless pairs of shoes at even the kitchen sink. One thing to keep in mind is the cabin of the cruise is made with limited space. So it’s not right to increase the crowd.
Crew staff never be disrespected.
Ensure that nobody misbehaves with the crew members. They are your protectors. You should not disrespect them because they are responsible for your entire journey. The crew staff takes care of all passengers with their dedication.
Don’t book the inaccurate cabin.
Choosing the right cabin is a crucial part of a journey; the wrong one can ruin the fun of your trip. So book it wisely. There are almost 20 types of varieties with different features and sizes. You have to choose according to your taste. Make sure you keep in mind how clean the bathroom is, the size of the cabin. Also, ensure the cabin should not be beside a nightclub, pool, or deck. Keep a watch and make sure it is not claustrophobic. Make sure you make a booking well ahead.
Don’t want covid back.
Don’t be leaving covid related concerns back on land. Remember, every drop makes an ocean. So it is each and everyone’s responsibility to keep coronavirus at bay. Always ensure to wear a mask and maintain social distancing from each other. Without carrying the RTPCR report, no one will be allowed to board the cruise. So you should be tested negative. Again, it is your responsibility to keep your surroundings sanitized.
Hence, you should follow each of these rules. There is no other mesmerizing experience than boarding on a cruise. Traveling on a cruise is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you should not miss.