Have you ever come across a product (or in this case – the NAME of a product as well as the actual product) that made you stop DEAD IN YOUR TRACKS and say OMG, Zippy (well, you wouldn’t be calling yourself Zippy probably), why didn’t I think of that?
In this case it was the NAME that immediately grabbed my attention. So much so, that I had been going through my e-mails and noticed that I had a pitch regarding a VERY high-end vacuum cleaner ($600) to review and giveaway on my other site The Review Broads and this item called The Racktrap. I quickly opened and closed the vacuum e-mail (don’t worry folks, you’ll get to read and enter for the vacuum later this week) and went right to the e-mail about this clever new product.
Before I tell you what this is….think of the name and your mind will start conjuring up all sorts of idea. I’m pretty sure that you’re on target though, because yes….this is an item for THE LADIES, and YES it does involve your, um…..RACK (or as we call them….The Puppies), and it is OH SO CLEVER.
At this point, I’m stopping for questions….
Have you ever tucked a couple of dollars & your license into your bra, so that you wouldn’t have to carry a handbag when going out in the evening?
The Racktrap is a cute little bra pocket or wallet that holds just the necessities including license, cash and credit cards. It tucks discreetly into your bra, so you no longer have to go FISHING for the items that you slipped in.
- Made of hypo-allergenic poly material
- Designed to fit comfortably in any size or style bra
- Designed for women on the go
- Holds your small essentials in one safe place, giving you the freedom to go purseless, whether you’re running errands or a marathon.
You can even tuck a key into it (for your gym locker, house, or car). I love the fact that it comes in colors to match your niceties
- White Lace
- Black Lace
- Nude Lace
- Water-Resistant version for working out
- Gold for that SPECIAL occasion

I have a VERY special one that’s got a Valentine’s Day Design on it (as shown in the picture). Anyway, I just LOVE the idea. It’s simple, practical and makes me giggle when I think about the name. They have now become an essential part of my “wardrobe.” Since I travel so often, it’s nice to have an extra hand FREE (with no handbag), especially in cities like NY where I’ll have my hands FULL of shopping bags or at blogging conferences where the only thing I want to carry is my phone and camera.
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