I’ve always LOVED Carnivals. The cotton candy, the smell of those sweet french fries and all of the lights. It always seemed that when the carnival came to town we were able to stay up later than usual, eat junk food and ride the big scary rides until we were exhausted. As you know, I’m kind of a sweepstakes junkie, addict or what have you. I love entering because you never know when you’re going to win and sometimes the prizes end up allowing you to do or have things that you normally wouldn’t or couldn’t do or have. That being said, Bloggy Giveaways is having a BLOGGY CARNIVAL. Wait, there’s no cotton candy (well, maybe there is…I haven’t gone through ALL of the giveaways to see yet), but MY, OH MY, just like when I was a kid…I can get JUST AS EXCITED because there are literaly hundreds and hundreds of giveaways this week. No overpriced admission ticket needed and the rules are listed on Bloggy Giveaways site. Good luck & don’t stay up TOO late entering.
Just because the economy is slow, doesn’t mean you have to go hungry!! Guess who’s giving 80% off on their gift certificates again? YUP (gee, either you’re really smart or I’m VERY predictable). Beginning today and running through Halloween (10/31/08) Restaurant.com
has $25 dining certificates for only $2 (or $10 certificates for .60). That’s certainly less expensive than eating at home (and no mess to clean up afterwards either). At checkout enter the Promo Code: TREAT. Maybe I’ll see you at my favorite restaurant (because I’ll be dining out all week with this offer).
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