I also HATE spending a fortune having them done, especially when I know that ours are fairly simple. I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. There are so many different ways that creative criminals can snag your information during the next several weeks. I tend to procrastinate and just leave things hanging around…
LIKE THAT BIG ENVELOPE on my kitchen counter that says “TAXES.” 
Tell me THAT’S not an invitation to someone who’s looking to steal my identity.
- Who can you trust online? Every tax preparer wants to make sure you get your biggest refund, but some sites may want your refund to go in *their* pockets.
- Sending in your tax documents the old fashioned way? That’s a lot of personal information to pop into the mailbox.
- You might leave all your personal documents out on the kitchen table while slogging through paperwork this time of year. That’s a big no-no! (uh – oh)
As always, I had FUN learning HOW TO BE SAFER this tax season by visiting the quiz at the:
LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes
Here’s what I learned
1. There are LOTS of sites that LOOK like they belong to the IRS, but only ONE that’s the REAL DEAL. Leaving your information with the others could be a BIG MISTAKE.
2. The IRS never sends e-mail registrations. If you find one in your in-box, forward it to phishing@irs.gov and then DELETE!
3. You will NEVER be contacted by the IRS for your info (for stimulus payments) via phone or e-mail. They get the information directly from your past tax returns.
4. Don’t keep your Social Security Card or any ID with your SSN with you. If you lose your wallet, you could be in trouble.
**** I lived in a state who used your SSN as your driver’s license number, and my medicare card (that I need when I visit the doctor) also has my social security number on it. I hope that the government(s) change these SOON. ****
What are the effects of tax fraud?
Not only can tax fraud thieves steal your refund check, but they can also do serious damage to your good standing with the IRS. If a fraudulent tax return is filed, your official financial information would be wrecked, and you may be facing an audit. It could take years to fix your records with the IRS. Plus, with the stolen information, identity thieves could continue committing identity crimes long after tax season.
There are LOTS of questions, and of course GREAT prizes to be won like a $1,000 Visa card or one of 9 LifeLock 1 year memberships.
For me, the best way of keeping my identity safe has been with my LifeLock membership. If you’re looking to stay up-to-date on all tips and tricks from LifeLock follow them on:
I received product to facilitate this giveaway. All opinions are strictly my own.
Leanne says
Oh great, now I’m dreading taxes even more this year! I never even thought of all the potential there was for my ss# to fall into the wrong hands, but now I certainly am! LifeLock, it is!
Zippy says
I’m usually a fly by the seat of my pants type. LifeLock has certainly made me more aware.