We are participating in the Bloggy Carnival !!
The problem with storing my “extras” (pictures, journal or music) on CDs is that it is such a waste. Maybe I’ve finished the blog and posted it or I’ve downloaded James Taylor’s new album “Covers” and already put it into my 2nd computer. Now I’m stuck with a CD that I don’t need anymore. I mean, what can you use an old CD for? A coaster made out of a CD, still looks like a CD left on the table to me. So, I’ve recently been using my trusty Flash Drive. It’s much easier to just keep on my keychain and I’m never without it.
If you hadn’t guessed, this giveaway is for a Memorex USB 2.0 Flash Drive (512MB). This Memorex 512MB USB 2.0 portable storage device is one of the most reliable flash drives in the business…and the price is amazingly low (under $10)! Factor in the smart looks, compact size and rigorously tested durability and you’ve got a terrific buy. The Memorex 512MB USB 2.0 flash drives allows you to store, carry and share files, features an ergonomic gripping area, and sports a cool blue LED light to indicate the drive’s status. Plus, the Memorex 512MB USB 2.0 flash drive is cross-platform compatible – it works with Windows, Mac and Linux. Use this handy flash drive to store data, photos, music and video. It’s so useful that you’ll want to carry the M
emorex 512MB USB 2.0 flash drive with you wherever you go!

On to the Giveaway:
* Look around my past posts and comment as to what you found useful AND what you’d like to
read in future posts.
* Earn a second entry by writing about this blog or giveaway on your blog or website or on a
forum or newsletter that you belong to.
Leave a comment with the URL of where you posted.
* Open to U.S. only!
* Make sure that you leave an e-mail address in your comment.
* You must be over 13 years old to participate.
* This will be a random draw (chosen by Random.org).
* Giveaway ends on Sunday November 2, 2008 at 11:58pm EST.
* Also listed at the Bloggy Carnival
Sandy says
nice site- nice layout..just found the site..i do like the local deals on the side- thats cool mrs.mommyyatgmail.com
RobynsOnlineWorld says
I loved the post about Dining – Meals Deals you Won’t Forget. Really helpful info on there and would love to see more things like that. We are making cuts in our family budget left and right so these things help us still enjoy but allow us to be able to afford things still!
I also blogged about your giveaway for an extra entry: http://robynsonlineworld.blogspot.com/2008/10/win-usb-flash-drive.html
samsakara says
I love the deals, sweepstakes, and meals. Anything that helps me save and learn to cook is great to me.
mlsswin@neo.rr.com says
I like the deals and info
Anonymous says
I have never seen restaruant.com before coming to your blog. They have some of the best deals ever!
rubytom says
I liked the blog in losing weight by drinking water-tom_svinarich@yahoo.com
mverno says
sweepstakes and deals i like anything related to cooking
Sunnyvale says
I like the giveaways
JRG says
I like the color layout.
Nance says
I like the givaways. Thanks for the chance to win.
stowelljg says
Hmmmm, interesting.
Sheila of My Personal Reviews says
I really like your “Deals-these take prioirty today” post. Coupons and coupon codes are a must for me when I shop – the more the merrier!
Phyllis says
I like the shopping deals and of course, the list of giveaways.
Carol says
As a bargain hunter myself, I really love all of the great deals you post. As I always say, Life’s too short to pay full price!
dbadour says
I like the giveaway.
llinda29 says
sweepstakes and deals is my style
Mommyhood is Thankless says
I like reading about deals for nice things instead of just vital things!
Mommyhood is Thankless says
I blogged about your giveaway: Here
Reeva says
i love the deals posts. I love to shop and i’m always open to a good deal! 🙂
Anonymous says
I enjoyed the deal post; your layout and design but especially the flash drive giveaway!
DAVID says
sandra jensen says
I appreciated your information on receiving a free day at Disney on your birthday. We went this summer and a free ticket would have helped a lot!
I enjoy giveaways, ideas on saving money, and great family oriented products.
Maja says
I like deals!!
Croasla0 says
I think all of the deals you tell us about are helpful! In this day and age saving your pennies can go along way! Thank you for your wonderful ideas AND this givewaway 🙂
rosannepm says
Dining Deal Meals helpful
trudy says
I like all the giveaways
Anonymous says
I’m inspired by your website!
Anonymous says
I liked your living green blog. I read so many new ideas for myself living green. Learned alot. Keep giving us tips on how to live well!
Earthmommy says
Gotta say I love the deals! I am a bargain shopping fool, lol so any site that has deals listed is a site I will return to!
pshannonpr says
Oh, the coupon link has got to be the best! I love coupons! And I’ve lost count of how many Flash Drives my wonderulf but absent-minded DS has lost, so I could always use another one! Thanks for the giveaway!
birdbabies says
i’m liking the “working from home” posts. definetly something i am interested in doing and have been looking into. thanks for the headsup on job opportunities. thanks for the great giveaway.
M.E. says
Neat site! The movie screening for slumdog millionaire caught my eye. Sounds interesting, had not heard of it before reading it here!
Enter me for the giveaway for the flash drive!
Croasla0 says
I like your support of restaruant.com! It really looks like it helps! I need a USB drive I am a busy college student writting and transfering a variety of things!
B onnie Harvey says
Bonnie,I Love the coupon Deal!Who doesn’t those Coupons!The way theses are theses days ,we need all the Help we can get!Thankm You!
Megan says
I love all your great deals you post about! I could definitely use the Flash drive for work! 🙂
Hollie Peterson
Anonymous says
Nice site! you have great deals!
expectingamiracle says
The list of giveaways. :o)
Hayley says
I must admit that I enjoy the giveaway postings the most!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
Wendy says
i liked the deals. we all need to save where we can and those are so helpful! thanks!
Kayleigh (sometimes Robin) says
Love the giveaways posts. I’d be all over the local type deal posts too but we don’t have many of the stores that are usually featured.
Thanks for this giveaway – we use these drives all the time but they are easily misplaced. lol.
robin – cokelush at gmail
Stacy says
In this economy we need blogs like your that help save money.
Bebemiqui says
I like the posts pertaining meals.
the schros says
I live in peoria too- this was so helpful-especially about Sam’s club and the restaurant.com sale! thank you.
the schros says
I didn’t leave my address- it’s in my profile, but here it is- sorry katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com (i’m the one that loved to find out about Sam’s Club and restaurant.com from your previous posts
Katie Stacey says
I love all of your shopping tips. More stuff like that is always useful to me.
rebecca says
I liked your WAHM post recently. I would like to see more ideas for at home earning.
gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com
Team Chilton says
I appreciate the post about the skateboards on clearance at amazon. I’m probably the only one to say this, but my husband skates and it’s always nice to have an extra board around in case he busts one.
THanks for the info and this giveaway. Awesome blog.
Karen says
Love all of your shopping tips.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Anonymous says
I like your blog-easy to read
Good shopping tips
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
Lori@EnjoyThe Process says
I like all of the tips!
Thanks for offering!
Lisa says
I’m fascinated by your post on YouData. I’ll have to check it out! And the USB drive would certainly come in handy. Thanks for the giveaway!
Shannon says
You have alot to offer your readers!
Karen says
I am heading over to check out You Data right now.
angela michelle says
wow–what great info. I just used the jcp discount code. I looked at restaurant.com but was bummed to see you can only use one coupon at a time–I was hoping to take the family to dinner as a Christmas gift. Also, the discount code didn’t work for me. Thanks for the info!
Carol says
The sweepstakes!
I would love to win this, my daughter needs one for her computer class at school. Thank you.
eyeslikesugar says
I love your posts about traveling on the cheap. I love traveling, but it’s SUPER expensive. :/ How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win 🙂
eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com
Hil'Lesha says
I love the info on deals!
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
Samuel Taylor says
Howdy, thanks 4 the Contest
Suzie G. says
I liked seeing the sweepstakes you listed because I’m a sweepstaker too. I visit online-sweepstakes.com. It’s $30 a year for premium features, but they have by far the best database and sorting system I have come across. You can mark the sweeps off as you enter them and it keeps track of them with an easy to see icon (red or green depending on if you marked it).
AudreyO says
I love to shop. I love a sale and I love a bargain. So, deals and shopping are the perfect combination for me.
ahiltz says
I read your post on the You Data and was thrilled to hear about that! I will check that out…never heard of them before! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway for us!
Thomas Semesky says
The sweepstakes are the best part!
Paige says
I like the contests and deals listed. I’m a contest junkie.
piece of me says
I like the work at home opportunities post. Of course, I would like to see more giveaways. 🙂
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
Cindy says
Hello, thank you for running this contest! I’ve been wanting a USB Flash Drive and was excited to see that as a giveaway on the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival.
I looked around your site and especially liked the post on the new Clint Eastwood movie. I had heard of that case before but didn’t know they had put her in a mental hospital. I also appreciate the info about the Amazon skateboard sale. I’m going to have to check into that for my mini-thrasher-wanna-bes. Lol, thanks again.
Katie says
I am always looking for deals so I like that you have post about deals.
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com
Bev says
Random House, Read It Forward is the post I liked the best. All the deals are nice too.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Jesica says
I love all the tips for saving money. It’s great to have good sales pointed out rather than having to search them out for myself.
I really like the work at home opportunities. I’ve never seen a blog that did that before. It’s great.
The only thing I can think of that might make things easier is a sidebar for labels. “men’s” “women’s” “kids” … might make searching for a deal a little easier.
Thanks for the giveaway – it’s a great one
bren j. says
It was great to find the coupon code for Penneys. I like reading about things like the You Data idea of earning money. 🙂
Thanks for your giveaway!
Richelle says
I like your Deals post. I love finding great deals!
Shama-Lama Mama says
Oooh, the two dollar gift certificates at restaurant.com is REALLY useful information! I think I might head over there next! Thanks for the chance to win!
tiffanybeth says
really need this cause we are always on the computers here
robin_titan says
I loved your post about the free changeling tickes! thank you so much for that I live in Houston, Texas and am an American Express card holder thanks soo much!
I would like to learn more about other free tickes to screenings 😀
lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com
Tamara says
The Shopping Deals is the best. It saves me so much time and money. I also love the Sweepstakes section. I would like to see a birthday freebie section.
Ginny says
Been reading your blog awhile & really enjoy it.
Kiy says
I love all the deals! I bookmarked your site as I can see I am going to need to wander around for a bit.
Cheers, and amazing giveaway – I have been wanting one of these for quite some time!
noreen says
love the dealsm keep them coming
MelADramatic Mommy says
Your layout is easy to navigate. Anything about frugal cooking as groceries are my highest budget item.
Pam's Pride says
I liked the Dining Deal Meals! I would love to see more frugal shopping as well because I have a large family and we eat a lot at home!
Toddler Tailoring says
I like your blog and that you had an entry about ways to earn money at home. I’m always talking with other moms about how to bring in extra money at home. Thanks!
Please visit my giveaway at http://www.toddlertailoring.blogspot.com
itsahumanzoo says
I like the one about losing weight by drinking lots of water. My mom always told me that water would help, but I never really put much thought into it. Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! 🙂
Rachel says
What a great give-away! I totally agree with you about CDs! Plus they are so easy to damage.
I’d love to see more about health and fitness. Your health affects your life so much, it’s really important to be informed when it comes to your health.
rachelsrealdeals @ gmail.com
Nina says
I enjoyed the making money article. I didn’t know anything about that. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kara says
I liked the making money – work at home opportunities blog entry. I would like to see more posts on this topic.
millkara [at] gmail.com
Kimberly says
Love the deals! I will definitly be visiting again!
Jinxy and Me says
I liked your sweepstakes post….I love contests! Thanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous says
I just added this to my favorites! Great blog!
I especially like your posts on working from home as I hope to do that someday!
Cjnedrow says
I like the shopping tips and ways to save money!
demmi says
I like the deals posts
Peggy says
I like your living green blog,nice. Count me in
Tammy says
I liked your shopping tips – the one from October 28th intrigued me…I never got a JC Penney coupon, now I’m upset (lol!) – do you need to have their credit card to get it? Thanks for the chance to win!
Paulie says
I find your living green blog the most useful.
zwriter says
I love your shopping tips
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
i love this. please enter me to win~
p o box 44
ekron, ky 40117
tigger210 says
I am new to your blog. It is very informative. I loved your October 30th post about Work at home opportuniteies. i am going to check into them. Thanks for the giveaway!
skstigger at hotmail . com
moonmyst says
This is nice!!
Brenda S. says
I love the deals, sweepstakes, and meals. Thanks!!!
Samantha P says
i love all the deal alerts! they’re great i love savings!
i’d love to see some links to freebies, like the Walmart samples
Deb says
I can’t get that post about losing weight by drinking water out of my mind…
Sams842 says
I love all the tips to save money!
calgirl says
I would like to see more of these blogs. It is not just what you possess but what you have experienced.
I decided to look more locally for plays, and concerts. We have 2 free concerts in the park a week during summer in my hometown which are wonderful.
klp1965 says
i love visiting new sites i usually find something interesting 🙂
Heather says
I like the Monday, October 27, 2008
MAKING MONEY post. The tip about Helium is interesting to me, because I do so love to write. Thanks!
girlof80s says
Wow. You have got a great blog. I love entering sweepstakes too and have won a lot of nice stuff over the past couple of years. It does take a lot of persistence though. I also enjoy your posts about Free Movie Screenings. I love going to the movies but it does cost a lot of money these days. I will consider looking into Free Screenings in the future. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win especially since I could really use a USB drive since I don’t have a floppy disk drive on my computer. Thanks for the opportunity.
Jessilyn82 says
You have a really great blog, I found a lot of relevant into for me. The easy meal ideas, shopping tips, and coupon deals are a big help. Your giveaways are amazing also. I’ll definitely be a reader in the future!
Kristi says
I love the great deals you have on your site & the sweepstakes of course!
Ally Gibson says
I found the post “RESOLUTIONS – Getting those fInances in order!” to be the most useful. I’d like to see more information about credit cards.
drming says
As a bargain hunter I enjoyed the deals and sweepstakes.
Suzanne says
I have bookmarked this website. There is so much useful and interesting information. I love the links to the money blogs.
Dree says
I love the movie screenings. I’d like to see more deals.
Schlauberger says
I love the deal post and of course the giveaways. Thank you
kbruson says
I like the simply Mahvelous section. Although I would like to see tips section.
Fangirl Jen says
I like your travel tips and reviews of the fun places to go in New York. It is always good to get info. from folks "in the know".
Only criticism is that the site seems a bit disjointed. I had a bit of a hard time navigating around and getting an overall "theme" to the site.
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before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it’s new to me.
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