It is normal to feel stressed when you have a lot at work or many home commitments. We all go through stressful periods in our lives. It can sometimes feel like you will be stuck in that feeling forever. However, it will pass, especially with the right tips and attitude.
Here are some great tips if you are looking for ways to relax your mind and body during stressful times.

Photo by Madison Inouye
Eat the right foods
The right diet will contribute to reducing stress. If you eat processed foods, it can leave you feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Therefore, eating nourishing foods will contribute to your brain health and energy levels, which will help you focus and avoid excessive stress when you have a lot to do.
Furthermore, certain ingredients you can add to your diet promote relaxation, such as lavender, oatmeal, and CBD.
Using Delta 8 Gummies is an easy way to attain the benefits of CBD. You won’t need to add the ingredient to your cooking to consume it. Instead, you can enjoy the benefits on the go. Plus, ordering them online makes purchasing and using a process that bit more accessible and more convenient.
Take a moment to stop
Another way to cope with stress and overwhelm is to stop. Slowing down can feel difficult when you have things to do and ideas to fulfill. However, you won’t get the best results if you continue to push through and do not allow yourself to stop and take a moment to yourself.
It can feel impossible to stop. But when you do, you will recognize how much you need a break. You do not have to stop what you are doing altogether and take a long break. Stopping could mean finishing a task midway so you can head outside for fresh air and reset your mind.
When you notice you feel stressed and tense, try to remember to stop so that you can overcome the emotion and realize you need to have a break from what is causing the feelings.
Stop putting so much pressure on yourself
If you put too much pressure on yourself; you are bound to feel stressed and frustrated. Although you might not have enough time in the day to complete your tasks, you shouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself that you feel you have to complete everything. Sometimes, we cannot do everything we want to.
Putting less pressure on yourself and having lower expectations will help you feel happy when you have got done what you can. Instead of feeling guilty for not accomplishing everything, you will feel more relaxed and less stressed.
Prioritize your health
Poor health can easily contribute to stress and anxiety. If you do not have your health, you do not have anything. Taking good care of your health and putting it before anything is essential.
For example, if you are dealing with recurring pains in your stomach, you won’t be able to focus and feel your best self. Hence, you should seek medical support and resolve the issue to feel better and more relaxed.
Fresh air
Getting fresh air every day, especially first thing in the morning is ideal if you want to feel calm and focused.
If you have time, getting out for a morning walk before starting a busy day can help you focus on the day ahead and feel more organized.
Furthermore, if you feel stressed throughout the day, ensure to take it upon yourself to go outside and breathe in the fresh air. It will help you refocus and calm your mind.
Avoid multitasking
Multitasking is bound to cause frustration and stress. Trying to achieve too many things at once can confuse and hinder the results of the tasks you are trying to complete.
To avoid multitasking, it can help if you write lists and set out what tasks you want to complete in a certain order. That way, you can avoid trying to take on two tasks at a time and not move on to the next task until your current one is complete.
Be realistic with your vision and goals
If you set the expectations of yourself too high, you might easily feel deflated and unmotivated. Setting unrealistic goals means you will never feel accomplished. Whereas if you set realistic goals, you will feel proud as you will likely reach them sooner.
Should there be a big goal you wish to reach, write down the small steps you need to take to reach it. This will help you tackle each stage at a time and not feel so overwhelmed with the concept of a big goal.
For instance, let’s say you want to break even in your new business. To do so, you need to achieve a profit of $50,000. Reaching this goal might seem impossible if your business is moving slowly. Hence, you will feel irritated and overwhelmed due to the feeling of the impossible. However, if you set smaller goals (such as reaching a profit of $1,000 each month), you can tick off the small goals and feel accomplished. In no time, you will reach your final goal and not feel stressed.
Ask for help
There is no harm in asking for help when you feel stressed and overwhelmed. If you have too much to do and not enough energy or hands, why not ask a friend or colleague? Although it is a great feeling to accomplish everything alone, getting help when needed to take the pressure off is useful.
Even if it means asking a friend to look after your dog while you run errands at the weekend, so be it.
Practice mindful techniques
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed can be overcome with mindful techniques.
Meditation, breathing, yoga, reading, and more are all beneficial measures that can help cal the mind and body, which aids relaxation and de-stressing. Practicing these regularly will help you deal with stress better and maintain a calmer and more focused mindset.