Every home is built on some kind of foundation. Without it, your house would basically just sink into the ground. This effect would be even worse whenever the ground itself shifted, such as during a minor quake or even when there’s a lot of rain. Houses need to be built on proper foundations to ensure that they don’t just crumble.
But how do you tell if your home’s foundation is in good shape?
Most people don’t know the signs of a damaged home foundation, but we’ll be covering some of the clear signs in this post to help you get a better understanding.
Do you notice uneven floors?
Uneven or sloped floors around the home can be caused by foundation issues. This is a rather serious problem because it usually means the foundation damage has already progressed quite far. Any slopes or uneven surfaces that you didn’t notice before could get even worse over time. In order to prevent your home from collapsing or suffering further damage, it’s important to contact a repair service as soon as possible.
Are there cracks in your walls and floors?
One of the first signs to look for is the presence of cracks in your walls and floors. These are the biggest signs of foundation damage because it means that your home is gradually shifting around. The cracks can be of any shape or size, and they’ll most commonly appear in areas around your doors and windows. This is because these areas are particularly vulnerable to damage when the foundation of your home is damaged.
Is there water damage in your home?
If you maintain your home correctly then you might find it uncommon to experience any kind of water damage, especially if your plumbing is well-managed. However, foundation damage can actually damage your pipes as well. Whenever there’s a gradual shift in the foundation, it can cause your entire home to shift as well. This places unnecessary strain on your plumbing which can lead to damage, thus resulting in water damage around the home.
What can you do about foundation damage?
So you’ve noticed foundation damage in your home; what now?
First, make sure you’ve educated yourself with foundation repair FAQs to help you better understand the situation. Some of these signs might not be foundation damage at all, but it’s better to be concerned and request an appointment instead of leaving the problem unattended.
Next, find a local carpenter that specializes in fixing foundations. They’ll help you analyze any potential problems in your foundation and then suggest fixes. You’ll get a full quote and all the details about how the foundation is damaged, what might have caused it, and also what the fix will be.
In short, foundation problems are fairly easy to identify, but they also point to serious issues that should be resolved as quickly as possible. Get in touch with experts as soon as possible, and you’ll be able to mitigate most of the future concerns and immediate damage.