When I first heard that Frownies were still on the market I had this vivid memory of the ads in the back of women’s magazines. You know the ones that I mean – the housewife with her hair in a turban, red lipstick and glamourous eyeliner with the butterfly shaped Frownies at the corner of her eyes. Having never tried them (or anything like them) before I was intrigued that this classic beauty treatment was still on the market.
I dove into my kit that included Frownies pH Balancing Complexion Wash, Frownies Rose Water Hydrator Spray, Frownies Immune Perféct, as well as Frownies for around the eyes, forehead, and corners of the lips all tucked in to an Elegant Go-Anywhere Makeup Tote. I hopped into my PJ’s, wishing they were actually a peignoir set from the 50’s, with the shear over robe and maybe some marabou trim.
I removed my makeup with the cleaner and pulled the Frownies apart and decided which ones to place in the various areas of my face. Mind you these are to help WRINKLES and I’m no SharPei. As a matter of fact I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, at least not the small lines (like crows feet, etc.). I have VERY DEEP lines around my mouth, and my undereyes
have sunken and desperately need filler in both areas (Hey ,juvederm, radiesse and restylane are you listening?. Would you like to offer me a fill in return for some blogging and social media?)
Let me tell you, I think what they have here is genius. I know that the wash, creams and spray are stocked with all sorts of great anti-aging ingredients, but the Frownies themselves are what really do the trick. You see, once you have them in place, you can’t MOVE the muscles in the area. The Frownies keep your skin taut and I found that I had to learn to relax the muscles. Yes, the muscles the CREATE those lines and wrinkes. So, in essence I found myself relaxing my face and it was reflected in my face. THAT’S why Frownies have been around for over 100 years.
I did have a difficult time sleeping in them however. Yes, you are supposed to wear them overnight and I found them to be annoying. So, I took to putting them on in the morning and wearing them for a good part of the day (since I do all of my blogging, etc. and don’t leave the house until the afternoon usually). I found this to be MUCH better.
I wish that I could tell you that these have made my face look like it did when I was 20 (or 30, 40, or…), but like I said above, I don’t have those tiny crow’s feet or lines between my eyes. I’m hoping that by using them I can train myself not to crinkle my muscles and maybe I won’t ever get them. Oh and Frownies are a LOT less expensive than going for botox every 6 months (starting at under $20.00 a box).
Next, I need to buy myself a pair of high heeled mules (slippers) with white puffs of marabou and learn to wrap my head in a silk turban.
Thanks to Frownies and Chic Execs for providing product for this review. I was in no way compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.
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