You enjoy drinking every now and then, but do you have a healthy relationship with alcohol, or are you starting to go down the path to being an alcoholic? For many, it can be hard to tell when they have gone from drinking regularly to being an alcoholic, but there are signs. If any of the following warning signs apply to you, it may be time to look into alcohol treatment.
Drinking is Impacting Relationships
If you’re drinking is starting to impact your relationships, it’s likely that you’re drinking too much and others around you have noticed. This is the time it’s important to seek help for the alcohol abuse as well as co-occurring disorders before the issue gets a lot worse.
You’re Unable to Quit Drinking
Have you tried to quit drinking? If you’ve tried and still turn to alcohol frequently, it’s likely you are becoming addicted. Treatment centers can provide assistance to help you quit for good and to prevent your addiction from getting worse.
You Experience Alcohol Withdrawal
When you don’t drink for a period of time, you may end up suffering withdrawal symptoms. Depending on how long you’ve been drinking and how much you drink, these symptoms can be life-threatening, so it is important to see medical care while quitting.
You Can Drink a Lot More
Have you noticed that you tend to drink a lot more than you used to? If you used to have one or two drinks, but now you’re finishing a bottle every night before bed, it’s likely your habit has turned into an addiction.
Responsibilities are Neglected
If you start drinking more often, you may find that your responsibilities are neglected and that you struggle to take care of basic necessities. It might be harder to get to work each day or to keep your home clean because of how much you drink.
You Drink to Relax More Often
It has been shown that alcohol can help reduce stress, but if you’re drinking to reduce stress regularly, it’s likely you’re drinking too much and you could be causing even more stress for yourself. This can lead to addiction and make it harder for you to quit drinking.
You Black Out Regularly
Blacking out while drinking is never a good sign and could be incredibly dangerous. If this is happening regularly, it is likely you’re suffering from an alcohol addiction and will need to get help before your situation becomes worse.
You Always Finish the Bottle
You used to have a drink or two in the evening, but now you find that you always end up finishing the bottle. If you can’t stop drinking once you’ve started, it’s a sign that you are starting to get addicted to the alcohol.
You Drink in Dangerous Situations
Do you tend to drink when it’s not appropriate? Looking into treatment now can help keep you safe if you tend to drink in dangerous situations, such as before driving a vehicle or while you’re taking prescription medications.
Lying or Hiding Your Drinking
Lying or hiding your drinking from loved ones is a sign that you’re suffering from an addiction. If you weren’t worried about how much you’re drinking, you wouldn’t feel the need to hide the alcohol.
If any of these warning signs are applicable to you, now’s the time to learn more about the treatment options available. Recovering is possible, but it does take noticing the warning signs in your own actions and then asking for help.